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Historically, will it be a breakthrough for Taiwan, a lighthouse for Others?!

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JELPH Po-Han Lee 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Queer politics was never really visible and peaking in Taiwan until last year (September 2013) when the petition and great debate upon the so-called ‘Diverse Formation of Family Union Law‘ (including same-sex marriage, civil partnership system, and multiple-member family system) was incorporated into the Parliament’s agenda. This year, the political atmosphere has been even more intensified and heightened with the LGBTI rights movement.

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As ‘black is beautiful’, ‘gay is great’ too.

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When people need ‘identity’, it means they are fed up with anymore oppression and ready to fight. To me, the concept of ‘identity’ is very identical to ‘sovereignty’. Not simply a metaphor, it is the fundamental rationale for a subjective to position itself in a society, whether a State or a person. Within the socially constructed world, an identity may operationalise one’s uniqueness, but sometimes also undermine one’s chance to be normalised.

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JELPH Po-Han Lee 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

分到的時間越來越少,幾秒 卻是對付寂寞唯一解藥
你的生活那麼精采熱鬧,傻傻等 我只能盡量不打擾

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Turn to 1976, Foucault sort of changed his focus from purely medicine, biology, and psychoanalysis to discipline, and political economics. But, what had never been changed was his purpose to revealing a real history of knowledge by conducting an archaeological research and endeavouring to found the genealogical relationships that modernity might build upon. That is why he has often been classified as a post-modernist as being critical, or sometimes sceptical.

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With regard to Foucault’s idea, I found that it was pretty difficult to grasp his whole idea by simply looking at these 2 articles, that are, the excerptions from The Order of Things of 1966 and Power/Knowledge of 1976, but from observing the ideas across within these 10 years, it became clear to see what Foucault was trying to establish, namely the genealogies of knowledges by conducting an archaeological methods in order to elaborate upon the relationship between power and knowledge.

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“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.” - by Stephen Hawking

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The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It?
(Paul Collier, 2007)

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I just had my first meeting with my supervisor team. I think there’s gonna be a very intensive and challenging process for years. 得到很多忠告和建議 [think big, but do small], 他們對我的研究很有想法跟規劃, 讓我突然感受到the game is on now! 話說剛裝潢好的法學院還真是漂亮。

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JELPH Po-Han Lee 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

聯合國人權理事會在最近一次的會期中選派了來自立陶宛的Dainius Puras(醫學背景)作為第三任(第一任為Paul Hunt;第二任為Anand Grover)的「健康權特別報告員」(Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health)。

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民國 一○三 年
陸 月 貳拾柒 至 貳拾玖 日

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【When People Come First】
“When People Come First” critically assesses

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[讀書會後心得...] 原來拉丁文裡的ius (jus)不只是法律(law;lege)的意思,而是更廣義的指「有拘束力的」(that which is binding)。在古羅馬法裡,ius有兩個意思(亦可見於法文的droit、德文的Recht、英文的right跟西文的derecho)。有學者指出ius作為法律時的兩項原則:
1. 一套強制性的規則,為客觀的法,是形成秩序的規範。Jus est norma agendi. (Law is a rule of conduct.)

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這週,【理律講堂】邀請到了Michael L. Perlin教授來上《身心障礙人權與精神障礙法》的系列課程(6/9-12,四堂課的主持人分別是李念祖、王增勇、張恆豪及江玉林老師)...

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半年多前,我收到的第一個回覆來自University of Reading

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