From the news that Spain’s king – Felipe VI – got on the cover photo for a national gay magazine – RAGAP, I got a chance to learn more about a new trend in queer theory. At very first glance, I thought it is really fascinating that someone from a royal family shows his great support for gay rights. However, when I asked for opinions from Al who's from Spain, he provides a totally contrary view.

These days the right wing government has lost much confidence from people throughout the world, the new super trendy issue – LGBT rights – has been taken advantage of by highly politicizing.

Of course this rights movement is always politicized, but it changes now; it's now more than a battle between citizenry and the government; it's now an issue between parties in a country, countries in an international forum. It's a new name of waging nationalism, in light of a symbol of being progressive and democratic. Al commented on what Felipe VI has done that can be used as a mask to lessen all the scandals occurred in this family.

Is this rights movement still on the original track that it hopes to run? Are these "fashionable" propaganda still human rights-based? Is it really politically correct for the LGBT community to be used as a shield distracting society's judgment over a government? This is really intersted and currently at the core of a hot debate; look up the: ‪#‎homonationalism‬ and‪#‎pinkwashing‬!

Interesting! It's my first time going into this idea. When two values clash, what should be prioritised? A big test for many LGBT individuals, I think. If your were a queer nationalist, you would support this idea; if not, u would let it rest in internal affairs restrained by territorial boundaries. Is such a reason justifiable enough? I need to re-re-rethink about it.

Btw, one thing to clarify that: ‘queer nationalism’ is totally different from ‘homonationalism’. You might take all queers building a new nation without boundaries. Fighting against any society discriminating LGBT individuals is bearable, as nation-States against each other. However, this should still fall within the scope of criminal act of aggression or against humanity when it comes to committing violence or waging a war.

這讓我突然想到之前自己突發奇想提過的identity v. sovereignty
這更證明了我應該還是更pro-queer theory
太厭倦identity politics中不太符合邏輯的部分了


「我們這麼辛苦幹嘛、想那麼多幹什麼? 反正這個世界永遠不會完美。」


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