“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.” - by Stephen Hawking
一部是Centre for Global Health Policy推薦的【MICROBIRTH (2014)】,嘗試說明越來越流行的剖腹生產(Caesarean section)與新生兒抵抗力下降之間的關係,進而使新一代的人類更容易得到非傳染疾病(NCDs)並掏空各國衛生體系(health system)等問題。
另一部是Palestine Society at Sussex介紹的【OCCUPATION 101 (2006)】,這部得獎影片是在探究巴勒斯坦的現狀,其歷史緣由和衝突根源肇因於「錫安主義」(Zionism)自八零年代開始流行,也使得以色列越來越迷信於唯有佔領和拓墾才能復國的思維。
最後一部是Sussex Friends of Free Syria播的【Return To Homs】,其實敘利亞情勢一開始的確很單純,因為貧富不均、社會正義、自由權受到壓迫等問題,人民才開始走上街頭示威要求改革,因當局武力鎮壓,過程中部份軍人倒戈至人民一邊,內戰就此開打。
我必須承認,這是我第一次這麼認真去瞭解到底what’s going on with Syria since the Arab Spring, and how Islamic students think about the ISIS。因敘利亞國情特殊、地緣戰略位置又重要,許多外來勢力趁亂介入,最後才變成今天這種好像讓人眼花撩亂的局面,至於ISIS跟今天美國炮轟(literally),更證實了People’s mindsets are diverse though actions to be viewed simpler。
事後的討論讓我回想起all the other similarly complicated situations and the international proxy elements that I studied about for the 2012 Jessup Competition.
至於講座分別是Centre for the Study of Sexual Dissidence辦的Roundtable Discussion on Queory: What Does Sex Diss Mean?跟Sussex University LGBTQ Society辦的Queer and A,在討論非性別主流社群在社會裡標籤化跟去標籤化(de-labeling)的問題,包括權力、認同、結構等爭點在性別政治裡的角色與功能。
參加那麼多活動,其實是希望從多元的角度去找找看與「健康權」(right to health)相關的各個議題之可能性,就是希望能順利在十月中前交出教授要我蒐集的case studies。
I happened to have a great opportunity getting to meet Anthony Langlois, the author, in person. This issues also grasped my big attention too...It’s fascinating to stand right at the point looking into how SOGI norms developing in international relations, both in terms of politics or law. In this sense, power can be a tool to advocate or press such a moral concept into global agendas. Frankly speaking, this pretty much reminds me of the last debates on cultural relativism with regard to death penalty and liberal democracy.
There are number of possible explanations for the ageing of the HIV-positive population, especially the success of antiretroviral therapy and a high rate of new infections among older people.
The authors believe their findings have three important implications: (1) services need to expand to address the often complex needs of people living with HIV; (2) more attention needs to be given to HIV prevention for the over 50s; (3) more needs to be done to collect accurate data about the epidemic in older people and to understand the impact of HIV on these individuals.
This is what I learned so far from QUEER POLITICS. So much vocabulary to learn:
* Gender, Sexuality & Queer
LGBT plus, qiltbag, SOGI, queergender
heterosexual homosexual
polyamorous monogamous
cisgender transgender
asexual androsexual
- Oct 20 Mon 2014 08:50
【Random Notes-Taking】