Dare we say there is no power relation constructed in academia?
If not, then what are we really critiquing against? Everyone, but ourselves?
Maybe the ivory tower is too cozy to reach out, and simultaneously too hard to break down.
#Songkran: pink economy, sexual exploitation, MSM, identity construction, social conflict, power relations, sexualisation, gentrification, social comparison, intersectionality...這些keywords差不多可以擠成一篇paper了。光從臉書上花花綠綠卻千篇一律的posts, 大概就能做一個以textual analysis + online ethnography為主要方法的研究了...
男人幫女人提包包,是女性主義;女人幫男人生小孩,是母性使然。看到鬼!今天因為男人可以自在露乳頭,女人就要跟著露乳頭;明天如果男人也要爭著露龜頭,女人要不要也露下體?為何不可?不要談恥感,那太抽象,但衣服要蔽體不就赤裸裸地是社會建構出來的嗎?從禦寒到美觀,從保護到害羞,如果今天沒有這個建構,服飾業跟流行業也都跟著bye bye了。
我知道我寫得很沒章法,因為有太多值得忿忿不平的地方,畢竟我本人一直以來都主張「裸的美好」(the beauty of nudity)。我覺得這項女權運動應該可以拉攏到許多宗教團體的支持,因為它們最care究極自然、婚前禁慾了,剛好可以是個gender equality與religious freedom的結合(完全是個不負責任的策略建議)。
Matriarchal Society (Amit)
I don’t make nor eat grass
I don’t let people bet for my sake
What makes you call me chick, I don’t understand
Or you just need a hen, making her lay you an egg
我不會 耕田吃草 讓人下注
什麼理由 發明 什麼叫馬子
難道是 想讓匹馬 為你生個兒子
I don’t have buddy nor party
I don’t have reasons for night out so late
I make you night snack, pretending I don’t care
But you know I ain’t no fool, don’t you understand?
我沒有 兄弟聚會 那些幌子
還可以 煮好宵夜 當做沒事
仔細想想 你就會知道 誰才是傻子
I smile so tenderly, but my mind is tougher than iron
You call yourself as the king of the world
But it is a world that my hands should tightly hold
我笑得柔軟 心卻比鐵還剛
世界男人稱王 女人卻什麼都扛
Don’t you say you need someone good at cooking and serving?
Don’t you say you need someone good at making bed and sex?
Can you imagine a world without a woman?
Can you? Can you?
不要再說 要進廚房能出廳堂
不要再說 要會鋪床又能著床
這個世界沒有女人 該怎麼辦
你想 你想
Don’t you take the suit and leather shoes make you a warrior?
Don’t you think the apron and shower caps make me smaller?
You do believe what you see from a soap drama
Great auspiciousness, my Emperor
Simply, ridiculous!
不要以為 西裝革履就是戰袍
不要以為 浴帽圍裙就是渺小
信以為真 連續劇裡的那一套
簡直 可笑
I remember your favourite pair of socks
I act before your friends not to lose your face
But do you think I didn’t see you were guessing her size?
我記得 你最喜歡 哪雙襪子
朋友聚會 演戲 讓你有面子
難道我 沒有發現 你目測誰的SIZE
I remember Nüwa’s work making the heaven
And, the tattoo by Yue Fei’s mom making a nation
But you only talk about working harder speaking less
And, mothering you as I mother our kids
The most valuable you gave me is just a wedding ring
我記得 女媧補天 岳母刺字
你只講 少說多做 相夫教子
仔細算算 最值錢的 只是結婚戒指
I smile so tenderly, but my mind is tougher than iron
You call yourself as the king of the world
But it is a world that my hands should tightly hold
我笑得柔軟 心卻比鐵還剛
世界男人稱王 女人卻什麼都扛
Don’t you say you need someone good at cooking and serving?
Don’t you say you need someone good at making bed and sex?
Can you imagine a world without a woman?
Can you? Can you?
不要再說 要進廚房能出廳堂
不要再說 要會鋪床又能著床
這個世界沒有女人 該怎麼辦
你想 你想
Don’t you take the suit and leather shoes make you a warrior?
Don’t you think the apron and shower caps make me smaller?
You do believe what you see from a soap drama
Great auspiciousness, my Emperor
Simply, ridiculous!
不要以為 西裝革履就是戰袍
不要以為 浴帽圍裙就是渺小
信以為真 連續劇裡的那一套
簡直 可笑
You can hold me, repeating the line that “I love you”
I don’t believe you have guts to make me leave you
I do not care, as that is what a woman should do
But, shut up, for God’s sake!
你可以抱我 重複愛我的台詞
我不相信 你有放棄我的GUTS
我無所謂 女人就該是這樣子
安靜 該死
Don’t you take the suit and leather shoes make you a warrior?
Don’t you think the apron and shower caps make me smaller?
You do believe what you see from a soap drama
Great auspiciousness, my Emperor
Simply, ridiculous! Bullshit!
不要以為 西裝革履就是戰袍
不要以為 浴帽圍裙就是渺小
信以為真 連續劇裡的那一套
簡直 荒唐 無聊
...subaltern is not just a classy word for “oppressed”, for [the] Other, for somebody who’s not getting a piece of the pie...In post-colonial terms, everything that has limited or no access to the cultural imperialism is subaltern - a space of difference. Now, who would say that’s just the oppressed?
The working class is oppressed. It’s not subaltern...Many people want to claim subalternity. They are the least interesting and the most dangerous. I mean, just by being a discriminated-against minority on the university campus; they don’t need the word ‘subaltern’...
They should see what the mechanics of the discrimination are. They’re within the hegemonic discourse, wanting a piece of the pie, and not being allowed, so let them speak, use the hegemonic discourse. They should not call themselves subaltern.
- Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (1972)
- Apr 16 Thu 2015 12:21