


每個人都只分配到230字,所以我就決定以「健康、人權及台灣被排除在世衛之外」(Health, human rights and the exclusion of Taiwan from the WHO)作為我負責段落的主題。


A collaborative work for Taiwan Insight


Throughout our discussions, we often came across a question: what role human rights play in global health. This question is important in making sense of the WHO’s refusal of Taiwan’s engagement. Is Taiwan’s non-participation potentially a human rights concern?


The WHO was established in 1948 in response to the call for international health justice after the World War II. However, health ‘rights’ (liberal conception) and ‘equities’ (socialist conception) – facing the tension between the Western and the Soviet blocs and the emergence of the Third World – had not been taken seriously until the Cold War ended. Thus, General Comment no. 14 made by the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in 2000 stands in a critical position in history, combining both approaches to the normative foundations of (public) health.


In this context, the exclusion of Taiwanese people – currently represented by the Republic of China – from the largest world health institutions (e.g. WHO, World Bank) seems no longer justifiable. Yet, shadowed by the extended Cold-War structure recently between China and the US, Taiwanese people’s needs and voices are marginalised again.


Notwithstanding the omission from international community, the study group turned its attention to the realisation of health justice in domestic society. For an affluent country such as Taiwan, health inequities undoubtedly should be subject to scrutiny, which requires further political commitments to a human rights-based approach to health.


* 之後若順利交出論文)再來寫寫前陣子到愛丁堡面試的經驗很高興能親自見到Devi SridharSteve Sturdy本人覺得很幸運了接下來的造化,就看天了。XD







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