[Roundtable Discussion on Transnational Law & International Law]
Host: SCU Research Society of International Law
Time: 2014/June/6
* Paradigmatic shift of international law in a globalized world:
1. Sources of law
2. Actors and legal subjects
3. Decision-making and dispute-settling process
4. Normative effect (horizontal v. vertical; unilateral v. bilateral)
* Transnationalization?
1. Internalization of international law
2. Global constitutionalism
3. Global administrative law
Regulatory power of international community
(composed by WHOM? regulated by WHAT?):
• Traditional approach: States --> international law (intra-states law)
• Transnational approach: international law (supra-states law) --> States
• Interactive approach: States international law (inter-states law)
+ 蔡季廷:
* BIT: investment protection/ facilitation/ promotion
Why BITs? 自由制度主義:法律之存在是為了減少交易成本
* Bilateral rather than multilateral:
1. 資本競爭理論(類似neo-liberalism):
overestimate and oversimplify「事後」主權成本
忽略國內的audience costs & dispute settlement
2. 政策擴散理論(類似neo-realism)
3. 文化擴散理論(類似constructivism)
4. 學習理論
5. 強制理論
* 國家 v. 投資人 --> global pluralism (as a spectrum)
1. 權力說:
A. 外交保護型(個人損害視為國家
B. 公益保障型(國內聽眾成本高,被投資國寧將國內問題交付國際)
2. 權利說:
C. 商務仲裁型(國內聽眾成本較低,但被投資國的司法機制不被信任)
D. 投資保護型(視投資為財產權保護客體,提升個人對抗國家的能力)
+ 吳建輝:
* From Fragmentation to Coherence:
A Constitutional Construction of the Legal Relationship
between the WTO and WHO
• Punta del Este Declaration (Uruguay Round Negotiation, 1986):
WHO-FCTC 2005 & Punta del Este Decision on FCTC’s Implementation
• SPS Agreement (article 3.2):
GATT 1944 General Exception Clause (article XX)
• TRIPS Agreement:
Doha Ministerial Declaration & Protocol amending TRIPS Agreement
• WHO/FAO Codex Alimentarius
* Treaty interpretation
* International law-making
E.g. Plain packaging case; Avian flu case
1. Legal effect of WHO’s soft-law decisions in WTO’s treaty interpretations?
2. FCTC’s Punta del Este Decision:
Any relevant rules of international law applicable in the relations
between the parties (VCLT, article 31(3)(c))
3. Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health:
Subsequent agreement and practice (VCLT, article 32)
E.g. Havana Club case? Soft law?
* Right to health:
1. Take a human rights-based approach to development (free trade),
particularly on the right to health.
2. Trade liberalization is not an end, but means of development.
The ends of trade liberalization is to raise standards of living.
3. The value of human health protection is recognized
in various provisions of WTO Agreements.
* Global principle of subsidiarity: constitutional construction
(Flexibilities between WTO & WHO)
Shared value --> Social norm
--> (legality principle + democracy principle --> legitimacy)
--> Legal norms (Harold Ku: compliance as a common interest)
+ 綜合討論:
* Lack of judicial function / dispute settlement in the WHO
reveals a question of whether global health rule of law is law
(normative / justiciable / exercised)?
* ICESCR: Obligation of international cooperation
Treaty interpretation (narrow) v. liberal institutionalism (broad):
Locke’s culture of legal institution
(Covenant & Committee composing a legal regime [network]
based on a shared value.)
- Jun 06 Fri 2014 18:10