
[Notes on Philosophy]
Philosophy of HUMAN RIGHTS:
As other legal rights, every HUMAN RIGHT has to be specified with the elements:
Rightholder / Object / Addressee / Normative content / Any exceptions / Weight

* Epistemology (知識論)
信仰 (belief) 透過[相信]: 任何人可以相信相互矛盾的兩件事
知識 (knowledge) 透過[知道]: 任何人無法知道相互矛盾的兩件事
 .理性主義 (Rationalism)__接受先驗(a priori)知識之存在, 即透過[理性]或[邏輯]進行推理
  A belief might be non-inferentially justified is by being “self-evident”.
  Eg. 笛卡爾『我思故我在。』
 .經驗主義 (Empiricism)__僅承認後驗(a posteriori)知識之存在, [感受]爾後[歸納]或[演繹]
  Knowledge could be inferentially justified from a non-inferentially belief.
  Eg. 洛克『人心原為白板。』

 .Truths --> Knowledge   Eg(1). 我相信你殺人,不代表你真的殺人【客觀上不為真實】
  Eg(2). 縱然你真的有殺人,不代表我相信【主觀上不為真實】
  Eg(2). 我相信你殺人,而你也被證明有殺人,始為【真實】
     --> 因此才能稱「我『知道』你殺人」

Then, two main approaches are usually distinguishably taken:
* Teleological theory (目的論)
 .功利主義 (Utilitarianism)__justified by promotion of intrinsic goods (happiness or welfare)
 .結果主義 (Consequentialism)__類似功利主義,but not exclusively by happiness or welfare
 .自然法理論 (Natural law theory)__reason--> intrinsic goods--> human action
  Common good of a community > aggregation of the good of each individual

* Deontological theory (義務論)
 .神諭論 (Divine command theory)__justified by God’s will or commands.
 .絕對律令 (Categorical Imperative) by 康德__justified by humanity or moral personality


In terms of JURISPRUDENCE__自然法所指涉的法是法律性之義務
In terms of PHILOSOPHY__自然法所指涉的法為道德性的義務
前者所謂之先驗,係指先於實證法生成前所存在之義務,譬如公平. 正義
後者所謂之先驗,為人性中毋須透過經驗即擁有的知識,例如善惡. 邏輯

Alan Gewirth (1912-2004) / James Griffin (1933- ) / John Rawls (1921-2002)

[Notes on History]
Rights can be said to serve for security, peace, and sustainable development.

(The Enlightenment + Nationalism + Western European tradition)
Classical liberalism--> Individualism--> 1st wave of democratization-->
Awareness of [human dignity] in equality among people:
1st generation of human rights (Liberty rights: civil and political rights, namely, freedom of expression & freedom of worship) --> mainly, UDHR + ICCPR etc.

(The Depression + Nationalism + Latin American philosophy)
Social liberalism--> Collectivism--> 2nd wave of democratization-->
Proposition for [social justice] in equality among people:
2nd generation of human rights (Welfare rights: economic and social rights, namely, freedom from fear & freedom from want) --> mainly, UDHR + ICESCR etc.

1. Anti-totalitarianism & decolonialization: CPR
2. Centre path between failings of liberalism & collectivism: ESCR
3. * Post-conflict and transitional settings (more than simply because of humanitarianism) provide sufficient social conditions for human rights discourse--the political, moral and instrumental elements --> more motivation for a need of legal framework

Eg. {Right to health}
WWI: Covenant of the LoN
WWII: Common enemy --> WHO Constitution / UDHR (covering both cpr & escr)
Cold War: lame WHO / separate adoption of ICCPR & ICESCR
Especially for the R2H [Biomedical approach --> Social determinants of health]

[Notes on Normativity]
 (All human beings) are (born) (free and equal) in (dignity and rights)
 + Endowed with (reason and conscience)
 + Acting toward each other in (brotherhood)

1. CPR v. ESCR
2. Rights of individuals v. Rights of collectivities
3. Core rights v. Non-core rights

1. Universality
2. Inalienability
3. Indivisibility: interdependence + interrelatedness

Concept: Justice / Fairness
1. 分配正義--> equality & non-discrimination
2. 程序正義--> due process & presumption of freedom
3. 恢復正義:

Normative contents:
【Core rights】
* Right to integrity of the person
 .Right to life
 .Freedom from torture and ill-treatment
(1) Rightholder: Everyone
(2) Object: personal integrity
(3) Addressee: States + Non-state actors
(4) Normative content:
  - Duty to respect
  - Duty to protect = {消極}不侵害 + {積極} 去除妨害 / 提供救濟
(5) Any exceptions: Legitimate exceptions only according to international law
  - 僅限於最嚴重之罪行
  - 符合程序正義之要求
  - 適用客體資格之限定
  -- Non-derogable rights
(6) Weight: respect for human dignity
** State’s primary responsibility --> Community’s responsibility to protect

* Right to an adequate standard of living
 .Right to food
 .Right to water
 .Right to clothing
 .Right to Housing
 .Right to Health
(1) Rightholder: Everyone
(2) Object: living adequacy
(3) Addressee: States + Non-state actors
(4) Normative content:
  - Requirements
   = Availability (quantity)
   + Accessibility (equality / physicality / affordability / informativity)
   + Acceptability (sustainability / adaptability)
   + Quality (safety)
  - Obligations
   = Duty to respect
   + Duty to protect
   + Duty to fulfill (to facilitate / provide / promote)
(5) Any exceptions: Progressive realization only at best use of limited resources
(6) Weight: maintenance of personal living
** State’s chief obligation --> Community’s duty of international assistance

【Corollary rights】
* Other fundamental liberty rights
 .Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
 .Freedom of opinion and expression
 .Freedom of association and assembly
 .Freedom from arbitrary detention
 .Right to a fair trial
(1) Rightholder: at least every citizen
(2) Object: everything related to personal integrity
(3) Addressee: mostly resting on States
(4) Normative content:
  - Duty to respect
  - Duty to protect = {消極}不侵害 + {積極} 去除妨害 / 提供救濟
(5) Any exceptions: Legitimate restrictions permitted in nature of freedoms
  - 依法限制 (僅得限制forum externum,不及於forum internum)
  - 正當目的 (其他人之權利或自由 / 公共利益)
  - 手段符合比例原則
  - 推定享有絕對自由
  -- Derogable rights
(6) Weight: manifestation of human dignity

* Other fundamental welfare rights
 .Right to education
 .Right to work
 .Right to social security and assistance
(1) Rightholder: at least every citizen
(2) Object: everything related to living adequacy
(3) Addressee: mostly resting on States
(4) Normative content:
  - Requirements
   = Availability (quantity)
   + Accessibility (equality / physicality / affordability / informativity)
   + Acceptability (sustainability / adaptability)
   + Quality (safety)
  - Obligations
   = Duty to respect
   + Duty to protect
   + Duty to fulfill (to facilitate / provide / promote)
(5) Any exceptions: Progressive realization only at best use of limited resources
(6) Weight: capacity for personal living

- To identify violations
- To internalize implementation
 * Legislation & policies
 * Indicators & benchmarks
 * Remedies & accountability

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