
Caesar said in 47 BC: "Veni, vidi, vici!"
I say in 2011 AD: "Vivo, amo, credo!"

I live,
I live for freedom [Libero] and equity [Aequitas],

I love,
I love with peace [Pacem] and harmony [Harmonia],

I believe,
I believe in justice [Iustitia] and humanity [Humanitas].

Especially in this age,
Particularly at this moment...

When a large part of the world facing with disasters,
When other part of the world fighting for democracy,
I insist on what I believe,
And I believe in what I insist...

When people suffer, I believe there will be justice.
Because we have law,
Because we have conscience,
Because we can be more humanistic...

When climate changes, I believe there will be balance.
Because we have moral,
Because we have standard,
Because we can be more reasonable...

This world will never turn over reversely,
And what happened remain happened,
All we can do is to learn from the wrongs,
And to figure out what should be the right.

Have some people gone,
They might live unhappily,
They might die unwillingly,
But let them rest in peace,
Let them keep the last respects they are deserved.

Have new people come,
They would live unhealthily,
They would die imminently,
So help them out of need,
Help them get the least protection they are entitled.

"Love and peace!"
Should not be a dimly dream.
"We are the world!"
Should not be left as a quote,

Since we live, we all have to live humbly,
As long as we love, we must love equally,
In what we believe, we believe impartially.

Then, we will be on the right track,
And, we can claim the true faith,
Lastly, we may make a new page!

    創作者 JELPH Po-Han Lee 的頭像
    JELPH Po-Han Lee

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