If I were such an asylum seeker,
You would be the shelter provider.
I wouldn't have been recognized as a refugee,
In spite of the fact that I am fugitive.
Keep running, running and running.
I am trying to escape from the cage set up for me.
Don't know whether it was a coincidence,
I did not have a key, and you were just there.
God at least treats me not bad as I supposed,
Though I cannot change the unforgivable sin over me.
What I've done wrongly was due to innocence,
And you're like a third person watching me falling.
The greatest difference between us is that,
You are out of the circle, but I am in.
To live within a group which you may not really like,
We guys cannot help remaining life like this.
Sometimes people just have no choice,
But still being hopeful about the future love.
I am kind of people, who can't be careless about others,
And to be mindful of every incident happened around.
Then, quite often I'd like to flee away,
From the bloody circle which I always hang around.
At the same time, I found your place to hide,
Where I don't smell and feel any related to boy love.
Thanks to meeting you and we became friends,
The second time I saw you was sort of first aid.
Give me a pull to jump out the hole I accidentally fell in,
And until now I started to miss you, whom are distinct.
I think, if one day I became an asylum seeker again,
You must be the shelter provider, I expect so.
逃亡 (by 孫燕姿)
作詞:林怡芬 作曲:李偲菘 編曲:Kenn.C
踩著月光 打開車窗 離開這城市想找個解放
一路開往 最高那一座山 孤單的想像 寂寞的逃亡
我想是偶爾難免沮喪 想離開 想躲起來 心裡的期待 總是填不滿
我看著山下千萬的窗 誰不曾感到失望 就算會徬徨 也還要去闖
關於未來 只有自己明白 不想讓心情 被現實打敗
一路開往 最高那一座山 孤單的想像 寂寞的逃亡
我站在靠近天的頂端 張開手全都釋放 用月光取暖 給自己力量
才發現關於夢的答案 一直在自己手上 只有自己能 讓自己發光
Thanks for teaching some 日本語 and 廣東話。
It's really fun, and you are so like one of my bestfriends,
Whom is also required by me to teach me so all the time.
- Oct 12 Sun 2008 20:49
【Asylum Seeker。Shelter Provider】