
他果真是一個很實際 很聰明的人
我十分欣賞也很崇拜 這麼有效率也有計畫的人
不只是個陽春白雪的學者 更貼進人生
不拿學術和權威壓人 只論實事求是的準確精神
因為這樣 更顯出他與一般老師不同的涵養
搞不好 以後 還真的可以找他當指導教授
不過 前提是 我要先對WTO產生濃厚興趣才行 哈!



Michael: [I am thinking of forming a study group on WTO Agreements,
    for the preparation of civil service exam of Ministry of Economic
    Affairs next year]
Michael: [If you want to take that exam, you can be one of the members]
Michael: [I am thinking of having intensive study on WTO judicial decisions]

Piotr: [wow!!! sounds great for me]

Michael: [think about it]
Michael: [I can get access to a wonderful website to get summaries of all
    the WTO cases judgments; each summary is about 15 pages]

Piotr: [that exam is really attractive, but I'm afraid if it would be too tough
   for me, if I want to handle two different exams]

Michael: [yeah, I know, you want to go for bar exam]

Piotr: [Hmmm.....but actually I also want to give a try of the civil service exam]
Piotr: [the first time u mentioned, I've started to think of it]
Piotr: [since now I've withdrawn from the Jessup team (I mean the real
   game), maybe I can have a try on both of them. 'cuz they both grasp
   my attention much....haha]

Michael: [you also need to think of what you are going to get during this
    Soochow LL.M. period of 2-3 years]
Michael: [I do not think that you can do both exams at the same time]
Michael: [you can do the bar exam and government scholarship exam at
    the same time]

Piotr: [hmmm....I also think about this for a long while already, since I
   really hope to get the degree asap in two years]

Michael: [you can also do civil service exam and government scholarship
    at the same time]
Michael: [but, civil service exam and bar exam, not at the same time]
Michael: [for they test far different topics]

Piotr: [actually, I want to get the chance to study abroad. I know what u
   mean, 'cuz the scholarship one is always related to some specific
Piotr: [that's really troublesome for a people who only have 24 hrs one
   day, right! hahaha]

Michael: [you also need to have priority between going abroad and studying
    for the bar exam]
Michael: [if you want to PASS the bar, you should forget about Jessup]
Michael: [I cannot help you to pass the bar, but I think I can help you to pass
    the government scholarship exam, it is relatively easy]

Piotr: [*sigh* that's why I finally chose to let them form the team without me....]
Piotr: [I see]

Michael: [as I have told you, there is a way to find out who the examiners
    are for scholarship exam, particularly the international law topic]

Piotr: [hmm.....btw, I'm worried about my thesis....even it's just the first year]
Piotr: [I know. so I do seriously take the exam of scholarship into account]

Michael: [I mean the topics like "public international law", "law of the sea",
    "Marine Policy", "WTO law"]
Michael: [if you pass the scholarship exam, you can forget about Soochow

Piotr: [yes, I think I know what u mean....and that's why I still wanted to join
   the Jessup discussion, it's for the "public international law"]

Michael: [I mean, if I were you, I will work for scholarship exam first, while
    leaving the topic of LL.M thesis at Soochow behind for a while]

Piotr: [hahaha.....I thought Soochow LLM is quite useful I
   heard from Prof. Chen]

Michael: [you have to see things in relative perspective]
Michael: [if you got no chance to go abroad, then Soochow LL.M. is important]

Piotr: [got it. but don't I have to get the basic Master degree before applying
   for studying abroad?]
Piotr: [yup, u r right!]

Michael: [you need to train yourself very well for studying abroad, I mean
    listening comprehension, writing skills, reading speed]

Piotr: [btw, do u know about the Prof. Chen's promotion to study in the school
   he strongly recommends in Europe?]

Michael: [doing Soochow LL.M. will not help you for this]

Piotr: [hmm......sounds seriously]

Michael: [doing Jessup will help]

Piotr: [I know. but how about that I've given in the chance of this time.....*sigh*]
Piotr: [I think I would have to talk to u first when I made the decision]

Michael: [there are many good law schools in Europe]
Michael: [we can talk after 2 Nov, when I have an important conference]

Piotr: [hmmm.....I mean, since I've learnt French for couple of years, and he
   also recommended some good schools in France...]

Michael: [you can come to the conference; it is to be held in Soochow Law
Michael: [if you can speak French, then you should think of going to Swiss
    to study, if you got the government scholarship]

Piotr: [haha!!! u r really busy, and I'm so really envious ur plentiful life, u r just
   like our idol, I mean Alice and I]
Piotr: [sounds good, I think I would be there, if no other matter bothers!!]

Michael: [well, I can share with you my reflections on my life later on]

Piotr: [that would be perfect; I always wanna to listen to some real stories for
   me to further consult]

Michael: [OK, I got to go to sleep]
Michael: [good night]

Piotr: [ok!! thx a lot for the words today]
Piotr: [that's really inspiring. good nite!!]

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    JELPH Po-Han Lee

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