
It's sort of dilemma, but it doesn't mean that it will be unsolvable.

Maybe it's kind of complicated, but it probably just needs time.

Nobody owes who an apology, but no one should be fooled.

There's no an obvious mistake, but implying misunderstandings.

More and more friends included, less and less time to utilize.

Sometimes the thing is not merely a thing, but plenty of feelings.

What if without any grumble and anger, would this world be finer?

No one is stupid or innocent, and nothing should be beat around the bush.

Why not just being direct and blunt? Why don't we stop playing games?

People so sophisticated, so that's why interrelationships are also like this.

No fault and no right, no one is deemed to be disliked under the rose.

On the other hand, no one deserves to be talked bad behind the back.

Let's wait and see. Let's pause hurting anybody, and try to change.

We can't hope the earth to turn by our desire, but we can share sunshines.

Whether so, lay down the all emotions, and put the life back to its place.

No game, no guess and no skepticism, but trust, patience and sincerity.


演唱:范曉萱 作詞:鄔裕康 作曲:郭子 編曲:林國榮

輕輕拿下我的髮夾 準備讓風吹亂我的頭髮
飄飄蕩蕩 我的心沒有家 誰來聽我心裡的話

一個人慢慢地回家 沿途的竊竊私語像雨一樣
滴滴答答 打進我的心房 也打濕了我的眼眶

別在我的背後說壞話 無心的玩笑卻讓你心傷
想看你的笑 想聽真心話 別拒絕好嗎?
別在我的背後說壞話 不小的遊戲別放在心上
世界那麼大 未來那麼長 難道不是真的嗎?

我的前方有盞燈光 我的背後一片夕陽
我會在家 等你回我的電話


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