




這麼一封短短的email,甚至只是by the way提到論文的一部分,就能讓我意志消沉成這樣,不禁想,為什麼對自己的信心這麼低落,為何如此渴望被肯定?






從Aeyal Gross到Dianne Otto,從Matthew Waites到Cynthia Weber,總會不由自主「比如誰誰誰說…」,為何非得訴諸某種authorship/authority?

假如我真心相信「作者已死」,那我提作者的目的是什麼?當我察覺re-making the statehood的矛盾時,為什麼我非得尋求康德和哈伯瑪斯的協助?

雖然沒有他們,我可能無從建構想像中的無政府全球主義(anarchic cosmopolitanism)或似乎可行的審議民主(deliberative democracy)下的理性。


當我問出,試想「當全球化成為事實,借力使力就是義務」如何在現行國際法律規範允許的空間裡實現時?我心裡真的過腦了Alexander Wendt那些人嗎?

真正到了國際政治的權力關係中尋找「破口」時,難道我非得藉助根本與之無關的德勒茲,或特定時期的德希達(甚至Judith Butler)嗎?

我在John Rawls跟Amartya Sen完全不相容的正義觀中,各自截取自己想要的部分,最後卻糾結於社群主義中「去他者」的烏托邦寄寓。


只給了「建立/分裂/加入whatever state」的選項,在我來看已經似乎悖離了自決真正的精神,或已不適用於全球化的時代(似乎不可逆)。






我無法大方承認,因為成長背景的目睹或經歷,於是我發自內心不相信「法律是某種實踐理由」(law as some kinds of practical reason)這個基本信條。

我寧願買帳Alain Brossat描繪的《危險哲學家》,一連串為傅柯的辯解都讓人比較安心:不受馴化也難以治理的鄙民(plebs),而非可被驅使或代言的普勞大眾。

















People killin’ people dyin’
Children hurtin’, I hear them cryin’
Can you practice what you preachin’?
Would you turn the other cheek again?
Mama, mama, mama, tell us what the hell is goin’ on
Can we all just get along?
Father, Father, Father, help us
Send some guidance from above
Cause people got me, got me questioning
(Where’s the love)

Yo, what’s going on with the world, momma?
(Where’s the love)
Yo, people living like they ain’t got no mommas
(Where’s the love)
I think they all distracted by the drama and attracted to the trauma, mama
(Where’s the love)
I think they don’t understand the concept or the meaning of karma
(Where’s the love)
Overseas, yeah, they trying to stop terrorism
(Where’s the love)
Over here on the streets, the police shoot
The people put the bullets in ‘em
(Where’s the love)
But if you only got love for your own race
(Where’s the love)
Then you’re gonna leave space for others to discriminate
(Where’s the love)

And to discriminate only generates hate
And when you hate, then you’re bound to get irate
Madness is what you demonstrate
And that’s exactly how hate works and operates
Man, we gotta set it straight
Take control of your mind, just meditate
And let your soul just gravitate to the love
So the whole world celebrate it

People killin’ people dyin’
Children hurtin’, I hear them cryin’
Can you practice what you preachin’?
Would you turn the other cheek again?
Mama, mama, mama, tell us what the hell is goin’ on
Can’t we all just get along?
Father, Father, Father, help us
Send some guidance from above
Cause people got me, got me questioning

(Where’s the love)
It just ain’t the same, always in change
(Where’s the love)
New days are strange, is the world insane?
(Where’s the love)
Nation droppin’ bombs killing our little ones
(Where’s the love)
Ongoing suffering as the youth die young
(Where’s the love)

Where’s the love when a child gets murdered
Or a cop gets knocked down
Black lives, not now, everybody matter to me
All races, y’all don’t like what I’m sayin’? Haterade, tall cases
Everybody hate somebody, guess we all racist
Black Eyed Peas do a song about love and y’all hate this
All these protest with different colored faces
We was all born with a heart, why we gotta chase it?
And every time I look around

Every time I look up, every time I look down
No one’s on a common ground
(Where’s the love)
And if you never speak truth, then you never know how love sounds
(Where’s the love)
And if you never know love, then you never know God, wow
(Where’s the love)
Where’s the love y’all? I don’t, I don’t know
Where’s the truth y’all? I don’t know

People killin’ people dyin’
Children hurtin’, I hear them cryin’
Can you practice what you preach?
Would you turn the other cheek?
Father, Father, Father, help us
Send some guidance from above
Cause people got me, got me questioning
(Where’s the love, where’s the love)

Love is the key
(Where’s the love)
Love is the answer
(Where’s the love)
Love is the solution
(Where’s the love)
They don’t want us to love
(Where’s the love)
Love is powerful
(Where’s the love)

My mama asked me why I never vote, never vote
Cause police men want me dead and gone, dead and gone
That election looking like a joke, such a joke, man
And the weed man still sellin’ dope, oh no
Somebody gotta give these niggas hope, give us hope
All he ever wanted was a smoke, my gosh
Said he can’t breathe with his hands in the air
Layin’ on the ground died from a choke

I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders
As I’m gettin’ older y’all people gets colder
Most of us only care about money makin’
Selfishness got us followin’ the wrong direction
Wrong information always shown by the media
Negative images is the main criteria
Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria
Kids wanna act like what they see in the cinemas

What happened to the love and the values of humanity?
(Where’s the love)
What happened to the love and the fairness and equality?
(Where’s the love)
Instead of spreading love we’re spreading animosity
(Where’s the love)
Lack of understanding leading us away from unity
(Where’s the love)

    創作者 JELPH Po-Han Lee 的頭像
    JELPH Po-Han Lee

    les voix: For/Getting|Re/Membering

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