Mini-Course in Human Rights: Human Rights, Minorities and Religious Freedom
                       Lectured by Alessandro Amicarelli

 課堂資料介紹
1. Essential Materials:
1945 Charter of the United Nations [聯合國憲章]
1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights [世界人權宣言]
1950 Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [歐洲保障人權和基本自由公約]
1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [公民與政治權利國際公約]
1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights [經濟社會文化權利國際公約]
1995 Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities [歐洲理事會保護國內少數民族架構條約]
2. Additional Materials:
2011 ECHR Practical Guide on Admissibility Criteria
1959 - 2010 ECHR Country Fact Sheets
2011 CoE ‘Living together--Combining diversity and freedom in 21st-century Europe’
Other ECHR Cases
3. Supplementary Materials:
1968 Proclamation of Teheran (Final Act of the International Conference on Human Rights, UN Doc A/CONF. 32/41 at 3) [德黑蘭宣言]
1993 Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (Adoption by the World Conference on Human Rights, UN Doc A/CONF.157/23) [人權宣言暨行動綱領]

    Religious Freedom & the Human Rights of Minority Religions

一、 人權法之介紹:普遍主義及區域主義(Introduction to Human Rights Law: between Universalism and Regionalism)

 關於思想、良心及宗教自由
ECHR Article 9:
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.
2. Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
UDHR Article 18:
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

 QUESTION: What are the “minorities” [少數族群] under international human rights law?
1. 探討對象:
1) Travelers, Gypsies and Romas
2) LGBT people
2. 探討法源:
1) UN framework, particularly on UNC, UDHR, ICCPR & ICESCR
2) ECtHR [歐洲人權法院]
3. 探討內容:
1) 新形式的恐懼症(new form of phobias),如xenophobia, gypsy-phobia, Islam-phobia, homophobia)
2) 新態樣的歧視問題(New types of discrimination)
3) 人權發展的趨勢及其在案例中的變化(trends in human rights development and the changes thereof in cases)

歐洲人權法院(European Court of Human Rights)是由歐洲理事會(Council of Europe)依《歐洲保障人權和基本自由公約》(Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms)所設置之司法機關。在第11號議定書(取代第2、3、5、8、9以及10號議定書)於1998年11月1日生效施行後,其廢止了歐洲人權委員會,允許個人可以直接向人權法院提起訴訟,同時賦予其強制管轄權(在過去,各成員國得在排除歐洲人權法院管轄的狀況下批准本公約),並改變了歐洲人權法院的結構,同時也廢止了原本部長委員會關於人權問題之司法審查功能。
歐洲理事會下之歐洲人權法院與歐洲聯盟(EU)無關,前者係為建立人權保障之基礎標準(minimum standard of human rights protection),而後者係以統一各成員國之標準為目的(uniform standard among EU members)。前者與各國之間的關係像是一般國際組職監督締約國國內人權條約執行之狀況(in compliance with treaty obligations),而後者與各國間之關係則更像是超國家實體一致化各成員國境內法令與政策的過程(in light of solidarity principle),因此二者目標與實際作為係不同的。

 自由之限制:在某些狀況中,國家得限制人民行使若干之自由
Enforcing restrictions or limitations on people’s freedom from doing something should be reasonable in relation to HIGHER INTERESTS OF OTHERS or PUBLIC INTERESTS AS A WHOLE with CLEAR INTENTIONS & PROPER MEASURES.
1. 正當目的(legitimate aim)
2. 民主社會所認定之必要(necessity in a democratic society)
3. 法律保留(prescription by rule of law)
4. 最小侵害之比例性手段(proportionality at the least harm)

歐洲理事會(包含歐盟所有的會員國)於2000年10月在史特拉斯堡(Strasbourg)舉辦的歐洲大會,以「都相同、都不同:從原則到實踐」(All Equal, All Different: from the principles to the practices)為主軸,誓師加強人權與民主的保障以對抗種族主義,包括提升性別平權、身心障礙者之平等機會,且對抗種族主義與排外思想。

 普遍主義(Universalism)與區域主義(Regionalism)
 QUESTION::何為「人權」?它們從哪裡來?
根據拉丁法諺mutatis mutandis(即情況將在細節上作必要的修改),說明人權自人性本身出發,但終於社會發展之極限,無論係權利之質量(quality)、數量(quantity)及適用性(applicability)。
1945-1948 UNC/ UDHR/ Genocide Convention (1948)
1949-1966 Geneva Conventions (1949)/ ICERD (1965)/ ICCPR/ ICESCR/ Refugee Convention (1951)
1967-1989 CEDAW (1979)/ CAT (1984)/ CRC (1989)
1989- ICRMW (1990)/ CRPD (2006)/ ICPPED (2006)/ R2P doctrine/ HRs-based approach/ HRs Diplomacy/ other new rights groups, such as LGBT, disabled persons, inherent privacy etc.
1. civil and political rights and freedoms
2. economic, social and cultural rights and freedoms
3. community rights (or group rights), such as the right to self-determination, right to development, the rights to peace, and the right to environment

 QUESTION: Should it be or is it hierarchical importance among all the human rights and fundamental freedoms?
Reasons for the question:
1. Some rights and freedoms can be limited, but some are absolutely underogable.
2. What’s the purpose to classify human rights and fundamental freedoms into different categories, if they are all interrelated and inalienable?

 QUESTION: Are all the human rights indeed universally enjoyed by everyone? Are the norms related to protection of human rights universally applied to all States?
Reasons for the question:
1. Non-democracies seem to fall outside the scope of human rights law, because the principles of democracy, rule of law, and public participation always serve as the basis for human rights norms to rely upon.
2. If the development of human rights in different areas of the world varies in quality and quantity from society to society due to different level of their development, are the norms universally applied?
事實上,普世性(universality)係指人權價值本身,每個人都應公平享有而不受歧視,惟因各國發展程度不一或各地區域文化及信仰不同,關於人權保障所得提供的法律或政策將有所差別,此為規範上可接受之差異性(diversity),不過平等(equality)、不歧視(non-discrimination)及其他國際人權法中之基本原則,若已受全世界公認並實踐之習慣人權法(customary human rights law),則仍拘束各國政府。

 Universalism包含了兩個層次的內在意義
1. 不僅是國際社會透過條約或宣言共同且一致承認的人權與基本自由所確認之普世價值;
2. 也包括各國在國際實踐中已接受或實施根據關於人權保障之規範所為之作為及不作為

 歐洲理事會體系之簡介
1. Paradoxes of war:戰爭之結束,大多能成為政治改革或社會發展之動力來源。
2. 由當時英國首相Winston Churchill所呼籲,以形成一個類似美國的United States of Europe之組織為目標,於1949年創始十國完成理事會憲章之簽署與批准,1989年柏林圍牆倒塌後完成第一次的東擴。
3. EU裡所有成員國皆為歐洲理事會中的會員,即便兩個組織係各自獨立的(EU係由包括歐洲共同體在內等三枝支柱於1995年通過裏斯本條約所合併而來)。
4. CoE之核心目標(central aims)有三:人權、民主、法治,彼此不僅相互關聯,更存在著互為因果之充要關係。
5. CoE之組織:
1) 依憲章所設之機關(Constitution-based organs)為「部長委員會」(Committee of Ministers,CoM)和「國會會議」(Parliamentary Assembly,PACE)
2) 依決議或條約所設之機關(treaty-based organs),包括「秘書長」(Secretary-General)、「秘書處」(Secretariat)、「地方及區域機關會議」(Congress of Local and Regional Authorities)、「人權事務專員」(Commissioner for Human Rights)、「INGOs會議」、「歐洲人權法院」。

 1950年通過之歐洲人權公約(ECHR)之介紹
1. 若國家欲加入歐洲理事會,須先完成ECHR之簽署及批准程序。
2. 健全的人權規範體系應至少包括個人權利及自由之保障(guarantees for individuals’ rights and freedoms)與政府相對應作為或防止之義務(prohibitions on governments’ actions or omissions)。
3. 迄今,ECHR所建立之人權規範系統除公約本身外,亦有14(已生效)+1(14bis係為事實上促進俄國批准第14號議定書所訂之特別條款)份議定書,加上ECtHR所累積之case-law,可證明ECHR整體而言係一部與時俱進並動態發展之人權法律體系。例如,ECHR中關於生命權(right to life)保障之規定:
第6號議定書規定廢除死刑(abolition of death penalty),但允許戰時(in time of war)之合法例外;
4. 法院組織與審判形式:法官係由各會員國推薦,再由PACE獨立選任,而非代表其國籍國,故受到舉薦的法官之國籍得不限於CoE之會員國
1) Monacratic Judge:1人
2) Committees:3人
3) Chambers:7人
4) Grand Chambers:17人
5) Plenary Meetings:47人(僅針對法院組織內部事項,而不為審判工作)
5. Obligations of the States concerned after the judgment to be issued:
1) Removing consequences(個案救濟),包括回復原狀、金錢賠償或重啟訴訟程序等。
2) Rectifying causations(全面檢討),包括修法立法、調整政策或採取特定措施等。
6. 程序上,可分為國家層次(proceedings at national level)、ECHR層次(proceedings before the ECHR)、CoM層次(execution of judgment): Application [案件申請] (disputed case) Complaints [形成申訴] (reasons) Decision [程序裁定] (admissibility) Judgment [實體判決] (merits)。

其他區域性人權司法機構,尚有「美洲國家組織」(Organization of American States)依American Convention on Human Rights於1979年設立Inter-American Court on Human Rights;「非洲聯盟」(African Union)依African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights於2004年設立African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights。亞洲亦透過「東南亞國協」ASEAN正在發展相關人權法制並計畫建立人權法院。(Among all, ECtHR is still considered as the most advanced judicial body in safeguarding human rights.)。

CoE及ECtHR共享之三大基本原則:人權原則、民主原則、法治原則。惟二者介入的時點不同,前者工作係為提倡、促進發展及全民教育;而後者任務則是調查、解釋規範及個案救濟。在1998年11月1日第11號議定書生效後,「歐洲人權委員會」(European Commission on Human Rights)被廢除,而ECtHR自此成為一個常任且全權(permanent and fully-competent)之人權司法機構,且其與ICCPR下之「人權委員會」(Human Rights Committee)最大的不同是ECtHR所為之判決對當事國係具有拘束力及執行力的, 而非僅建議性質。

 Admissibility criteria before the ECtHR (ECHR Article 35)
1. Exhaustion of all domestic remedies supposedly available to the Applicant (窮盡當地可得之救濟)
2. Submission within 6 months after issuance of the final domestic judgment (起訴期間限制六個月)
3. Identification of specific rights in the ECHR regarding the claimed violations (特定權利及損害事由)
4. Broad rules open for locus standi by individuals, groups and the national States (開放當事人適格要件)

 QUESTION: If the situation concerning denial of justice is not because of lack of remedies available in form, but due to substantial unwillingness or inability of the domestic courts concerned, does the Applicant still bear single burden of proof for that to fulfill the admissibility requirement?
1. 若是關於拘禁期間,ECHR已有明文規定不得超過三年。
2. 若是關於認事用法,ECtHR仍期待申請人提出具體事證。
3. 通常情況中,當國家提出抗辯,當然也負相關舉證責任。

二、 聯合國與歐盟有關思想自由、良心及宗教的法律(The Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion in the United Nations and Council of Europe’s Law)

 Religious freedom or freedom of religion
1. Sources of the religious freedom protection in international human rights instruments:
Basically 3 are UDHR Article 18 + ICCPR Article 18 at the UN level, and ECHR Article 9 at the CoE level.
2. Comparisons among 1948 UDHR, 1950 ECHR and 1966 ICCPR can tell the political and social changes among States, region by region, in international community.
E.g. Limitations of freedoms were not allowed in the UDHR, which was criticized to be impracticable. Thus, the ECHR provides Article 9(2) for the legal reasons to justify restrictions in some circumstances. This was incorporated almost identically into the ICCPR Article 18 (3). Plus, ICCPR Article 18 (4) provides other justifications simultaneously, and the ECHR followed afterwards in its 2nd Protocol.

 Freedom to change religion or belief
1948, UDHR Article 18: 明訂改變宗教之自由
1950, ECHR Article 9:Paragraph 1亦包括變更信仰之自由
1966, ICCPR Article 18:Paragraphs 1 & 2都未提及宗教信仰變更自由(UNGA花六年才使各國就本規定的寫法達成共識)
人權條約規定架構上基本上包括(以ECHR Article 9為例):
第一項:權利內容(contents of the right)
第二項:權利限制及其法律要件(possible limitation & its requirements)

 關於宗教信仰之權利(right in belief)
= 絕對不可侵犯之內在自由 forum internum(protection for the inner creeds and personal beliefs of people. This phase is absolutely inviolable and no limitation is allowed.)
+ 可以受到限制之外在自由 forum externum(protection for the freedom to manifest inner convictions of people. This may be subject to limitations under some circumstances.)

 ECtHR case-law study on: What is religion or belief? And, what is manifestation of religion or belief?
ECmHR的1978年Arrowsmith v. the United Kingdom案:和平主義(Pacifism)得視為公約下所保障之思想自由之一(可知歐洲人權判例法對於宗教信仰係採較為寬鬆之解釋)。
ECtHR的1982年Campell & Cosans v. United Kingdom案:若僅是想法(ideas)或意見(opinions),則不視為一種信仰,而應解為公約第10條言論自由之範疇,因為所謂信仰(belief)的意義,應是比意見或想法更影響一個人的生活方式和態度。
ECtHR的2004年Norwood v. United Kingdom案:具歧視性或侵略性思惟之宗教信仰,若與公約精神相違背,則不受公約保護(宗教信仰並無明確定義,宜採寬鬆解釋,但並不是毫無限制)。

 宗教信仰表現之自由(freedoms in manifestation of belief)
1. 及於worship、teaching、practice、observance等行為自由,因此詮釋空間大(ample in meaning and subject to interpretation)。
2. Limitations & State interference(國家限制人民此項自由前,須先符合一些嚴格要件):
1) General restrictions:derogation clause,即ECHR第15條之規定,例如戰時或其它緊急狀況(in time of war or other emergencies)
2) Particular restrictions:
(1) 實施須依法行政(prescribed by law when it’s imposed)
ECtHR的1979年Sunday Times v. United Kingdom:限制措施須符合明確性原則(exact precision)、使人民可得知(accessibility to people)、可預期違反限制之效果(expectation of a breach)、法律保留(reservation for legislations)
(2) 須具有正當目的(legitimate aim)
例如protection of public safety, order, morals, health, freedoms of others and so on,且實施上不得採取歧視性的手段
(3) 民主社會所必要(necessary in a democratic society)
法院眾多判決中都重覆確認了宗教自由係維繫一個民主社會運作之基礎之一(Freedom of religion is one of the basic foundations of a democratic society.);而所謂「必要性」(necessity),須為絕對且沒有其他選擇之情況(absolutely last resort without any other alternatives)
 Margin of Appreciation(裁量餘地,亦為“room for manoeuvre”)
各會員國在不違反公約的前提下,對其國內相關政策有絕對自由開放的審查空間。本法理係由輔助原則 (principle of subsidiarity)衍生而來,可參見ECtHR的Handyside v. United Kingdom案(1976)。

三、 國家與宗教團體之關係(一):歐洲理事會及歐洲人權法院判例法有關新宗教與新新宗教運動、心理教派與另類靈性教派的探討(The Relationships between States and Religious Groups 1: Problems concerning New and New-New Religious Movements, Psycho-sects and Alternative Spiritualities with a particular focus on the Council of Europe’s work and the European Court of Human Rights case-law)

 目前,歐洲關於少數宗教的人權討論,包括三個層次的討論
1. 宗教與國家
2. 宗教與人權
3. 少數宗教與主流文化
主要問題出在於目前尚無定論的宗教(religion)之定義, 特別是針對originality of NRMs(new religious movements)之爭議, 包括社會刻板印象(social stereotype)、黑名單標籤化(black labelling)或極端反邪主義(extreme anti-culticism)

 QUESTION: 何謂邪教(cult)、教派(sect)或洗腦(brainwashing)?
然而,有時在議會立法層次(parliamentary level),反而係與司法意見(judicial opinions)採取不同態度,諸如捷克、羅馬尼亞、俄羅斯等國境內都有限制宗教自由限制措施,或是像法國(黑名單No. 176之CIAOSN)和比利時(黑名單No. 189之MIVILUDES)境內針對某些基督教派所為之獵巫行動(witch-hunt)。
1. 設立嚴格的登記制度
2. 直接列名於黑名單內

 QUESTION: 上述情況之合法性及正當性為何?
1. CoE’s level:
1) CoE曾針對此爭議作出建議書(Recommendations),包括處理少數宗教問題之準則,其中嚴正反對不當之限制。
2) PACE亦作出一連串的決議:
1992年Res. 1178/92:不建議針對特定宗教團體制訂特別法令以限制 其自由。
1999年Res. 1412/99:
(1) 鼓勵使用一般民、刑事程序(ordinary procedures provided by criminal and civil laws)處理不法行為,諸如詐欺、不當得利或侵權行為等;
(2) 建議各國建立獨立的國家或宗教資料中心(independent national or religious information centres)
2006年Res. 1510/06:鼓勵各宗教團體與社會大眾進行通常之交流和對話。
2007年Res. 1804/07:認為教育係打擊無知(ignorance)與刻板印象(stereotype)之關鍵途徑。
2. UN level:
1) HRC在第22號一般意見書(General Comment)中表示ICCPR第18條的宗教信仰自由不僅保護多數、傳統或主流之宗教或教派,也當然包括少數及新興宗教與信仰。
2) 時任UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief的Mr. Abdelfattah Amor在1996年提出的年度報告(Annual Report),主題為執行消滅基於宗教或信仰所有形式之不寬容及歧視宣言(Implementation of the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief),其結論為:Under ICCPR Article 18,
(1) any bad-good distinction is unacceptable;
(2) cult-classification is impermissible and arbitrary; and
(3) unequal treatment is discriminatory and absolutely forbidden.

 Unequal treatment (ECtHR case-law)
1. Leela Foerderkreis and others v. Germany (2008)
關於德國官方媒體以邪教(cult)等歧視性用語稱呼或描述Osho Movement教派,ECtHR認為德國應是違反了ECHR Article 6之公平審判權(right to a fair trial),因其內國法院對本案之審理程序太過冗長,但未發現有Article 9宗教自由之侵害,惟須注意的是,並不是因為法院同意或接受上述標籤性用語之使用,而是因為德國憲法法院已於其判決中禁止上述字眼繼續使用,故可視為德國已積極去除該侵害情狀了。
2. Church of Scientology Moscow v. Russia (2007) + Savez Crkava Rijee Zivota and others v. Croatia (2010)
俄國不承認山達基教派為宗教,並總以人數不足且其於俄國境內運作時間不夠長為理由,駁回其登記之申請。克國政府規定任何宗教團體皆須透過簽立協議(agreement)的方式獲得官方承認,但總拒絕與歸正宗簽立協議,卻願意接受其他同質性的基督教團體之申請。ECtHR重申登記制度雖為各國自由裁量判斷之餘地(margin of appreciation),但其無論係本質上(as such)或適用上(as applied)絕對不得造成針對性或歧視性之差別待遇,否則即構成公約第9條規定之違反。(Any disparity leading to unequal treatment constitutes a violation against freedom of religion or belief.)這兩個判決被許多人權學者認為是宗教自由發展新時代之濫觴。

四、 國家與宗教團體之關係(二):傳統少數宗教與歐洲人權法院中若干包括伊斯蘭教等案件回顧(The Relationships between States and Religious Groups 2: Problems concerning Traditional Minority Religions and a Review of some cases including Islam before the European Court of Human Rights)

 Italy’s examples
義大利亦採Agreement制度,但目前只有9個Roman Catholics因教廷的關係獲得簽署,也不是出於通常情況下所簽的。反觀其他宗教團體的情況,Buddhists或Hinduists都還在等待官方回應,Jehovah’s Witness(耶和華見證會,JWs)則是等不到議會批准,至於Islamic更是從未獲得任何申請之回覆。
1. 欠缺固定組織結構
2. 多使用阿拉伯文,人員及行動難以管控
3. 沒有正式的神職人員
1. 義大利憲法第8條規定:
1) non-Catholic Religious Confessions
2) are allowed to have relationship with the State
3) through Agreements
2. 1929年Mussolini regime制訂了Act on Tolerated Religions
司法方面:1992及2002年義大利憲法法院分別作了兩個判決,認為該協議機制不得作為歧視性待遇的藉口,或以不簽署協議的方式否認特定宗教存在之事實,無論與政府簽有協議與否,每個人或團體都仍應享有其基本權利及自由。以上並不表示政府無權審查宗教團體之登記,惟基於公平待遇(equal treatment)之原則,國家應確保其審查登記係透過一項明確(clear)、直接(straightforward)且透明(transparent)的制度為之。

 France’s examples
法國政府通過一項特別法,針對JWs課徵60%的奉獻稅,而該特別法並不適用於境內其他宗教團體。爾後,ECtHR判決指出該措施係一個民主社會中所無法允許之不平等待遇(unequal treatment which is unacceptable in a democratic society)。

 Other ECtHR case-law
Religionsgemeinschaft der Zeugen Jehovas and others v. Austria (2008)
關於JWs之審查程序已逾十年,不符合法律正當程序原則(due process of law)之要求,且其並不是一個新興宗教,更具有許多其他國際上之實踐證據,故認定奧地利政府已侵害了受害人之宗教自由。

 Exteriorization of religion (forum externum)
約50%的案件獲得法院判決之救濟,比起其他權利類型的案件,比例是相當高的,主要是基於宗教寬容(religious tolerance)的原則,其中的理性基礎 (rationale)在於人權係確保人類各社會間和人類彼此間和平共存的工具(human rights are in fact the instrument to ensure a real peaceful coexistence among human societies and humankind.)。
首宗案例是1993年Mr. and Mrs. Kokkinakis v. Greece案,其事實係關於JWs因傳教遭當局逮捕。ECtHR認為宗教表現自由包括“the right to persuade other people to convert to a certain religion by giving religious materials.”,因此法院最後肯定多元主義是維繫民主社會的基礎(the pluralism indissociable from a democratic society, which has been dearly won over centuries, depends on it.);本案再度證明了ECHR是一個活的法律文件(living instrument)。
1. 針對個案之不正法律適用(unfair application of the law in an individual case),為法律適用上(as applied)的問題。
2. 國內立法特定限制之存在(presence of particular restrictions in national legislation),為法律本質上(as such)的問題,可能與家庭教育、校規、監禁處遇,或特定作為、服飾等議題相關。(得參照:2001年及2007年的Grande Oriente d'Italia di Palazzo Giustiniani v. Italy案,ECtHR針對同一事實作出兩次判決後,最後是認定義國政府拒絕修正其違反公約之立法係再度違反了公約第14條(prohibition of discrimination)及第11條(freedom of assembly and association)等規定。

 傳教(Proselytism):UN level
1. HRC General Comment No. 18:Proselytism and the actual decision of an individual to convert to a new faith is considered as a manifestation of religion or belief encompassed within the right to freedom of religion or belief under international human rights law.(亦反映在ECtHR關於Kokkinakis案所為的判決中)。
2. HRC General Comment No. 22:宗教自由之限制不得基於歧視性目的或以歧視性手段實施之(此與ECHR的規定相同)。意見書第9段提到國家雖得立法建立國教(State religion),但國教之承認不得造成第18條宗教信仰自由及第27條少數族群基本權利之違反,且依第26條之規定,更不得因此對其他宗教之信眾或不信仰國教者(adherents to other religions or non-believers of the State religion)造成歧視。
E.g. 希臘就曾規定東正教徒才之能進國民小學擔任教職。法國則係為確保政教分離,曾經規定所有神職人員皆不得擔任教職。
3. 聯合國1981年通過的《消除基於宗教或信仰原因的一切形式的不容忍和歧視宣言》(Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief)是保護宗教自由的另一重要文件。這份宣言的第1條和第6條全面列出有關思想、良心和宗教自由的權利,經常作為相關爭議之法源,其中包括:
1) 宗教禮拜和信仰集會之自由以及為此目的設立和保持一些場所之自由;
2) 設立和保持適當的慈善機構或人道主義性質機構的自由;
3) 適當製造、取得和使用有關宗教或信仰的儀式或習慣所需用品的自由;
4) 有關編寫、發行和散發有關宗教或信仰的刊物的自由;
5) 在適當的場所傳播宗教或信仰的自由;
6) 徵求和接受個人和機構的自願捐款和其他捐獻的自由;
7) 按照自己的宗教和信仰的戒律奉行安息日、過宗教節日以及舉行宗教儀式的自由;
8) 在國內和國際範圍內與個人和團體建立和保持宗教或信仰方面的聯繫的自由。
第2條則明文禁止了一切類型的宗教歧視或不寬容的差別待遇。關於傳教禁自由之限制(limits of proselytism),須完全符合國際人權規範之標準,且本例外應在嚴格解釋相關要件下,始得為之。

 State’s inactivity
參見ECtHR的2007年97 Members of the Gldani Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses & 4 Others v. Georgia案:受害人遭到東正教徒的人身攻擊,但受理案件的檢察官卻拒絕進行調查,基於其同為東正教徒之宗教理由,認為他自己無法公正處理系爭案件。ECtHR判決國家應積極調查系爭情況,並給予適當補正之處理,否則公權力之不作為(inaction),如同拒絕作為義務之履行,因此認為喬治亞政府違反了公約第9條(freedom of religion),第14條(prohibition of discrimination)及第3條(prohibition of torture)等規定,但認為本案與公平審判相關之權利無關。

 Refusal of military (and civil) service
大部分的案件係與JWs成員因宗教信仰的理由,拒絕服兵役或替代役,例如2009年的Gutl v. Austria案、2002年的Loffelman v. United Kingdom案跟2009年的Lang v. Austria案(甚至拒絕Lang替代役之申請),ECtHR在這三個案件中都認為強迫服役之行為侵害了個人在公約第9條及第14條規定下所應享有的權利和自由。
另一種類型的案件如2000年的Thlimmenos v. Greece案,是身為JWs信徒的當事人,曾因拒絕服役而受罰,後來他通過了會計師資格考,當局卻以該宗犯罪記錄為理由,拒絕其執業執照之登記。ECtHR認為希臘的行為係一項不合比例原則的行為(disproportionate act),而違反了公約第9條及第14條之規定。

事實上,這類型的案件最早是濫觴於1964年的Grandrath v. Germany案。案由是JWs中一名total rejecter(即全面拒絕兵役跟替代役者),因尋求免役而遭到逮捕並判刑,但當時的德國政府卻例外允許天主教或新教的神職人員以宗教理由申請免役。當時的「歐洲人權委員會」(ECmHR)分別檢視了公約第9條、第14條及第4條(prohibition of forced or compulsory labour)等規定,但結論是並無公約之違反。
ECmHR認為思想拒絕者(conscience objector)依公約並不享有免役的權利(right to exemption from military service),此項權利係由各締約國得以自行決定是否承認之,而不為人權層次的問題,且縱政府承認該免役之權利,亦不得以該制度性之權利解為亦得免除替代役之權源。因此,相較於上述三個法院判決,再次證明了ECHR中的權利是與時俱進的,而ECtHR係推動其發展的主要機關。

 其他與公共利益、公共政策有關的議題
1. Public interest and public holidays
參見2012年的Francesco Sessa v. Italy案,義國司法機關拒絕當事人以猶太教宗教假日為理由所為延期開庭之請求。
2. Public function and religious oath
1) 參見2012年的Alexandridis v. Greece案,希臘政府所提供當事人申請公務表格上,要求提供宗教信仰,但該表格卻限制在某些特定選項。在該案件於ECtHR起訴時,希臘政府竟然提出偽證,即包括其他宗教選項的假表格。
2) 參見2000年的Hasan and Chaush v. Bulgaria案,保加利亞政府拒絕接受當事人被選任為該宗教委員會主委之事實,並否認其宣誓之效力,被認為過度介入宗教團體之自治權利。
3) 參見1999年的Metropolitan Church of Bessarabia and Others v. Moldova案,摩多瓦政府拒絕承認從原本法律登記的宗教團體中所分裂出來的新教派,且拒絕接受其法律上法人之地位。
3. Religious affiliation on ID cards
參見2010年的Sinan Işik v. Turkey案,法院認為公約第9條之違反,係出於土國政府強制要求人民揭露宗教信仰的理由,而不是因為國家拒絕該個案中當事人請求增加教派細目之請求。
4. Displaying religious symbols
關於宗教標誌之展示或展示限制,問題類型可能因場域性質或法律關係不同而有許多層次之討論,包括公立學校、大學、學生與教職員間的衝突、公共場合中公共安全之考量。參見2011年Lautsi v. Italy案、2008年Dogru v. France案和2008年Kervanci v. France案等許多ECtHR所處理過的情況,累積了不少case-law的基礎。

 QUESTION: What are the ways to follow considering the right to freedom of religion or belief?
十年樹木,百年樹人。司法途徑畢竟是末端的救濟方式, 社會教育才是根本的解決之道, 國家應柔和地、策略性地確保宗教間的和平共存, 並促進宗教信仰與社會間的理性對話(to secure peaceful coexistence of religions, and to promote rational dialogues between religious groups and the society)。

 QUESTION: 在第11號議定書生效後,ECtHR案件量大增,法院效率大減,有無任何措施確保受害人之權益?
ECHR and the 11th Protocol have established an institution for Provisional Measures requested by the Court to be taken by the States concerned, such as suspension of execution of domestic judgments, cessation of expulsion of migrants, and so on, when the complaints are still pending in the ECtHR, in order to protect the rights at issue of the Applicant from being suffered further.

    Human Rights, Minority Rights & People’s Rights

一、 國際法中的少數族群:聯合國框架與區域框架(Minorities in International Law: the United Nations Framework and the Regional Frameworks)

 文化衝突(Clash of cultures)
1. 國際層次
冷戰時:民主國家(西方)v. 共產國家(東方)
911事件後:恐怖國家(terrorist States)v. non-terrorist States
2. 國家層次:主流社會(mainstream society)v. 少數族群(minority groups)

少數族群保障(minority protection)與宗教自由(religious freedoms)最大的不同點在於前者的核心在於平等權(equality)和不歧視原則,故傾向給予少數族群特別的權利保障,而後者的重點則在於包容(tolerance), 係適用於包括少數或主流宗教中所有個人。

 國際人權法下,關於少數族群的問題主要有二
1. 何謂少數族群(minority)?
2. 保障少數族群權益的文件(instruments for minority protection)又有哪些?

 Problem of definition:事實上,國際社會目前針對minority的定義,尚無共識。
1. 許多被提出的法律定義,通常都包括客觀因素(objective factors),諸如共同種族、語言或宗教存在之事實(the existence of a shared ethnicity, language or religion)及主觀因素(subjective factors),包括個人認為自己是該少數族群的一份子(individuals must identify themselves as members of a minority)。
2. 歷史上,國際社會首度提出的定義是由1977年聯合國防止歧視與保護少數族群委員會(United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities)的特別報告員(Special Rapporteur)Francesco Capotorti所提出,他對少數族群(minority)所建議的定義及要件為:A group(一群人)
1) numerically inferior to the rest of the population of a State(人口比例上為少數)
2) in a non-dominant position(社會上並不具有優勢地位)
3) whose members being nationals of the State(須為定居國之國民)
4) possess ethnic, religious or linguistic characteristics differing from those of the rest of the population(種族、宗教或語言上與國內多數人口不同)
5) show, if only implicitly, a sense of solidarity, directed towards preserving their culture, traditions, religion or language(團結一致以維護其文化、傳統、宗教或語言)
3. 上述定義引發了一些批評,包括:
1) 對於文化、種族、語言及文化特性不夠精確(lack of precision for the definition of the cultural, ethic, linguistic and religious characteristics)。
2) 對於少數族群的性質過於限縮(limits to the factors of culture, ethnicity, language and religion as to the identify of a minority)。
3) 定居國國籍限制限縮了適用性(limited application of the definition for the non-citizen minorities by the nationality criterion)。

 International efforts:包括UN、CoE、EU、OSCE(歐洲安全與合作組織)、UNESCO(聯合國教育、科學及文化組織)和ECtHR case-law。
事實上,關於旅人或原住民的國際準則發生了值得矚目的變化,因為近來有許多國際文獻涉及少數族群的權益,如1991年OSCE通過的《關於少數民族權利之宣言》(Declaration on the Rights of National Minorities)。其中,UN與CoE是推動最力的兩個組織,但二者因理論基礎(theoretical basis)不同,採取不同的策略(strategic approach),因此也導致不同的實踐結果(practical consequence)。
1. UN-level sources of minorities’ law
1) ICCPR Article 27
本條規定了屬於少數族群的個人,應享有與其他成員溝通群聚的自由(in community with other members of their group),故本條文係著重於個人的權利,而 少數族群群體性的權益。
參照HRC第23號一般意見書第9段,保有少數族群身份的權利(right to preserve minority identity)係以延續少數族群文化為目的,防止其自主流社會中消失。因此,ICCPR第27條雖未明文規定少數族群的團體權利,但HRC將其進一步擴張解釋成包涵集體概念的團體權(group rights in collective sense)。
2) UN Minorities Rights Declaration
1993年聯大通過的《隸屬民族或族裔,宗教和語言少數群體權利宣言》(Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious, and Linguistic Minorities)是世界各國花了十五年協調談判的時間,始達成共識的成果 (自1977年開始,Capotorti就在報告中呼籲各國“to fill the gap of ICCPR Article 27”)
宣言架構如下:第1到3條(recognition of the rights and freedoms enjoyed by the minorities)+第4到7條(long and very comprehensive list of State duties and positive actions)
Article 1:認同個人及少數族群之尊嚴,確保少數族群之延續。
Article 2.1:少數族群決定生活方式的自由(內在層面)
Article 2.2/2.3:少數族群參與公共生活與公共決策的權利(外在層面)
Article 2.4/2.5:少數族群與主流社會共存之權利,包括形式上的權利,如自由遷徙、集會、結社、通訊(外在層面)
Article 3.1:個人選擇作為少數族群中之成員的自由
Article 3.2:個人行使上述自由與否,都不應因此受到不利益或偏頗之待遇
Article 4:國家促進並保障國內少數族群成員權利之義務,包括為加強少數族群融入社會所必要採取之措施
Article 5:少數族群參與國家立法或決策過程的正當權益(legitimate interests)
Article 6:為促進相互瞭解與自信(mutual understanding and confidence)之國際合作
Article 7:敦促本宣言之尊重及遵守
3) 其他文件,諸如1966年ICESCR及CESCR於2000年針對健康權(right to the highest attainable standard of health)作出的第14號一般意見書,其中第12與第34段都有提及對於少數族群之特別保障。

聯合國人權促進及保護委員會(UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights)曾於2005年,提出一份由其下屬的少數族群工作組(Working Group on Minorities)針對宣言內容作出的評論(Commentary to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities),其中肯定該宣言之努力係為補充ICCPR第27條規定而來, 故二者於解釋或適用上應係相輔相成的。

2. CoE-level sources of minorities’ law
1) Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM)
在1995年通過《關於少數民族權利的框架公約》之前,ECHR並無針對少數族群提供特別保障的規定,可參見1968年ECtHR的Belgian Linguistics v. Belgium案及1979年ECmHR的X v. Austria案,兩案都係根據第14條禁止歧視之規定,作為肯定少數族群權利的法律基礎,並重申歧視禁止的例外須至少符合三個要件,即正當目的(legitimate aim)、依法必要(necessity by law)及符合比例(proportionality),始構成一項客觀且合理的理由(objective and reasonable justification)。
因此,PACE於1994年作出一項決議Res. 1134/1994承認少數族群的重要性(“minorities rights are essential to promote peace, democracy and rule of law.”),故1995年FCNM和2000年第12號議定書的通過,係為擴充原本ECHR對少數族群保障不足之規定。
Article 1:提到少數族群之保障係國際層次的問題
Article 3:選擇成為少數族群成員與否的自由(freedom of choice to be treated as a member of a minority group)+對於少數族群中成員之保障(protection for individuals belonging to the groups and for the groups as such)
Article 5.1:提供文化發展的適當環境(proper conditions for minorities to develop cultures)
Article 6.1:促進文化間進行對話(intercultural dialogue),並提升包容力(tolerance)

2) Protocol No. 12 to the ECHR
第12號議定書中關於禁止歧視原則之規定與ECHR第14條規定(The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms “set forth in this Convention” shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.)最大的不同之處,在於其第1.1條的用語(The enjoyment of any right “set forth by law” shall be secured without discrimination…)

根據FCNM & Explanatory Report,FCNM之生成具有以下意義:
1. 第一份有拘束力的國際法律文件。
2. 因尚無明確少數族群之定義,故其採實踐主義(pragmatic approach)。
3. 並未強制要求政府採取任何措施,而僅要求各國政策不得違反不歧視的原則。
4. 並無因此承認少數族群的集體權利(collective right),而仍係以個人保障為適用主體。

回到一開始的命題,上述內容可見UN Declaration要求各國應為促進族群和諧而為若干行動,但CoE所通過的The 12th Protocol則未要求國採取任何積極措施,用語中“to be secured”僅係要求國家在採取任何措施時,皆不得造成不正當之歧視。
因此可得而知,UN與CoE係採取不同的方式消弭文化衝突(clash of cultures),UN的方針是融合(inclusion)與參與(participation),而CoE的原則是平等(equality)和不歧視(non-discrimination),即前者要求各國積極決定採取任何特定措施,以積極介入少數族群的生活,而後者任由國家自行安排,只要不會影響少數族群的權益即可。
 Minorities and States
1. 少數族群確實存在,且性質上類型還挺多元分歧的。
2. 主要的國際組織都還蠻關注少數族群權益的發展。
3. 國家於國際人權法下,都負有義務採取積極或消極的措施,可能出現的作法有三種:
1) 整合(integration),指少數與多數共同存在,保有特質,此為最為推薦之作法。
2) 同化(assimilation),指少數與多數共同存在,去異求同,是否構成歧視須視情況而定。
3) 隔絕(isolation),指少數與多數分別存在,各自生活,這種作法多半會構成歧視。

關於少數族群的類型, 目前除了國際上官方承認的族裔(ethnic)、語言(linguistic)、文化(cultural)及宗教(religious)等性質,近年來類型有增加的趨勢,並透過國際組織的決議、宣言或法院的判決等方式被論述,包括性別(sexual)、生活方式(lifestyle)、身心問題(physically or mentally affected)等,大部分的情況亦與社會中弱勢或邊緣化族群(the disadvantaged or marginalized groups in a society)的議題有關。

二、 歐洲人權法院中關於大量人口之旅人、吉普塞人及羅姆人的判例(Travelers, Gypsies and Roma people: a Review of cases concerning this vast population raised before the European Court of Human Rights)

 定義問題
在少數族群歧異甚大的情況下,少數族群(minorities)及受到規範的族群(the group itself)的定義尤其重要,因其決定了他們(包括成員個人與團體本身)所能享有的權利項目(entitlements)及內容(contents)。
1. 旅人(travelers)係依其自身選擇而為遷徙,其被定義為“…traditionally nomadic [遊牧的] people of ethnic Irish origin, who maintain a set of traditions and a distinct ethnic identity.”。
2. 吉普賽人(gypsies)與羅姆人(Romas)則通常係被迫遷徙或遭到驅離。前者被定義為“…people that arrived in Europe in migrations from northern India around the 14th century, whatever their race or origin, but does not include members of an organized group of travelling showmen, or persons engaged in travelling circuses, travelling together as such.”, 後者則為“…people with dark skin and hair who speak Romany and who traditionally live by seasonal work.”。

 歷史上的Samudaripen(also referred to “Pharrajmos” or “Porrajmos”)
即針對羅姆人和辛提人的大屠殺(Holocaust of the Romas and Sintis)。在希特勒政權的統治下,羅姆人與猶太人依紐倫堡法(Nuremburg laws)被認為是種族犯(enemies of the race-based state);此外,LGBT people或travelers等生活方式不被接受的族群,也都成為納粹(Nazi)屠殺的對象。

 羅姆人主要面臨的問題
1. 住居(housing),因Romas多半住在帳蓬(camps)裡;
2. 就學(schooling),因Romas的識字率(literacy)普遍很低;
3. 健康狀況(health conditions),因Romas太多有營養不良(malnutrition)或就醫困難的問題。
據指稱,年輕的羅姆同性戀者(young homosexual Rom)在社會上往往會到雙重歧視(double discrimination),即因為性傾向的關係,受到內部歧視(inside their communities),又因族群性的關係,受到外部歧視(outside in the society),故自殺率極高。

 普及化(generalization)與恐懼症(phobias)
概念或印象普及化(generalization)並不是一個良善且可被接受的措施,因其容易造成偏見(prejudice)和刻板印象(stereotype)等結果,例如種族主義(racism)、恐外症(xenophobia),或是恐懼吉普賽人症(gypsy-phobia)等思想造成一般社會大眾仇視吉普賽人,並視其為次等人種,甚至產生許多針對羅姆人的攻擊行為(aggression against Romas)。

 Representation of Roma people(including travelers and gypsies)
1. UN level:聯合國於1970年代開始討論羅姆人的法律地位,而在1979年時正式承認國際羅姆人聯盟(International Romani Union)取得諮詢性 政府間國際組織(consultative INGO)的正式資格。
2. CoE level:
2010年,因近年來發生許多羅姆人遭攻擊的事件,於是CoE通過了一個羅姆人《史特拉斯堡宣言》(Strasbourg Declaration on Roma),結合了社會中的社會與經濟包容(social and economic inclusion in society)及有效的人權保障措施(effective mechanism for human rights protection)
2011年,CoE發起一個調停訓練計畫(Mediators Training Programme),係為教育歐洲人民以有效且平等的方式打擊歧視(effective and equal process against discrimination)
另一方面,CoE也有許多法律文件可以提供羅姆人主張權利時的法律基礎,如1996年修訂後的《歐洲社會憲章》(Revised European Social Charter)、1992年的《歐洲區域或少數族群語言憲章》(European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages)及《關於少數民族權利的框架公約》(FCNM)。

無論係UN或CoE在處理少數族群的問題時,都發現需要把握三個原則,即國際合作(international cooperation)、良好實踐交流(exchange of good practices)和與少數族群進行必要之對話(necessary dialogue with minorities)。

 ECtHR case-law(約20宗案件獲得判決)
其中主要牽涉的議題包括:segregation、expulsion and forced abandonment of property、attack and destruction of property、forced sterilization、racially biased investigations、right to election or being elected。
1. Segregation in public schools
2007年D.H. and Others v. Czech Republic案中,捷克政府將羅姆人一般學生置於特殊教育的學校裡,ECtHR認為該隔離行為已違反了公約第14條(prohibition of discrimination)與第1號議定書第2條(right to education)等規定。
2008年Sampanis and Others v. Greece案,希臘政府是將公立學校中的羅姆人,安排在專屬羅姆人的特別班級中,ECtHR亦認為這樣的隔離行為違反了公約第14條(prohibition of discrimination)與第1號議定書第2條(right to education)等規定。
2010年Oršuš and Others v. Croatia案,ECtHR認為該行為除違反了公約第14條(prohibition of discrimination)與第1號議定書第2條(right to education)外,尚違反了公約第6條第1項(right to a fair trial within reasonable time)之規定。
2. Expulsion and forced abandonment of property
2001年Chapman v. United Kingdom、Coster v. United Kingdom、Beard v. United Kingdom、Lee v. United Kingdom及June Smith v. United Kingdom等案中,ECtHR發現那些針對申請人所為的驅趕措施係依法律為之(in accordance with law)且係為了達到維護環境之正當目的(pursued the legitimate aim of preservation of the environment),且法院不認為英國或其他任何締約國依公約負有提供羅姆人或吉普賽人附有適當設備之住居的強制義務。
1996年Buckley v. United Kingdom案,ECtHR接受英國的抗辯,即在權衡羅姆人的居住權時,加以考量了公路安全的計畫控制(planning control for highway safety)、環境和公共衛生之保障(preservation of the environment and public health),故得於符合比例原則的情況下限制其居住自由,是為合理、正當且必要之措施。
然而在2004年Connors v. United Kingdom案及Yordanova and Others v. Bulgaria案中,ECtHR則認為臨時性的驅趕則不具正當理由,因此違反了公約第8條(right to respect for private and family life and home)及第14條之規定。
3. Attack and destruction of property
包括2005年Kalanyos and Others v. Romania 案及2012年 Koky and Others v. Slovakia(訴訟繫屬中)
4. Racially biased investigations
2005年Nachova and Others v Bulgaria案中,因保國警察槍殺了兩名羅姆族的遊民(Roma fugitives),故本案涉及了生命權(right to life)的問題,但保國司法單位卻怠忽職守不願處理,因此ECtHR認為如此偏頗之調查行為(biased investigation)構成有效救濟之缺乏(lack of effective remedy),違反了公約第3條(prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment)的規定。
2012年 Koky and Others v. Slovakia一案雖然仍是訴訟繫屬中,但其事實與十分類似上述之Nachova and Others v Bulgaria案,故可推斷法院判決的內涵應該也會差不多。
5. Racist publications (Stereotypes of Roma)
2012年Aksu v. Turkey案(訴訟繫屬中)
6. Validity of Rmani marriage in respect of survivor’s pension
2009年Muñoz Díaz v. Spain案,ECtHR認為西班牙政府違反了公約第14條及第1號議定書第1條(right to protection of property)等規定。
Right to free elections
2009年Sejdić and Finci v. Bosnia and Herzegovina案, 波黑憲法裡僅允許波族、塞族跟克族等三個主要種族的人民投票或參選, 反面禁止了羅姆人與猶太人等旅人的投票權及被選舉權, 故ECtHR認為該規定構成了公約第14條(rights…set forth by the Convention)及第12號議定書第1條(rights…set forth by law)兩個規定的雙重歧視(double discrimination), 亦違反了第1號議定書第3條(right to free elections)的規定。

 QUESTION: Who has the power to decide a group of people to be a minority group, the national authority or the people themselves?

 QUESTION: With regard to the segregation cases and expulsion cases, did the ECtHR review and examine the right to housing and education under the Social Charter?
關於segregation的相關案件,其主要的問題在於構成針對羅姆人的歧視,因為國家應採取任何措施保障學生的受教權(all necessary measures to secure the right to education),而其中最基本的當然是語言的知識(knowledge of language),因此語言分班之藉口絕非正當的理由。
至於expulsion的相關案件,國家根據社會憲章絕對負有相對之義務,而人民也絕對享有其中所包涵之權利,該等權利在法院中亦有可訴性(justiciability),但在訴訟中,人民針對其權利受損的部分負有舉證責任,而當局也相對需要舉證其正當事由之反駁,故針對居住自由(freedom of housing)或適當住居權(right to adequate housing)之實質內涵是否受到侵害,仍須視個案決定,而不是法院否認國家相對義務之存在。

三、 歐洲人權法院有關多元性別族群之權利:性別平等、同志權利、同志婚姻之辯論與其他性別相關議題(LGBT People Rights before the European Court of Human Rights: Gender Equality, Gay Rights, Same-Sex Marriage Debate and other Gender related Issues)

 QUESTION: Is LGBT world a minority? Who has the power to determine it?
1. 就算LGBT不屬於少數族群,其中之個人仍然可以享有個人基本的人權及自由。
2. 如果LGBT本身屬於少數族群,其中之成員則可享有其他專屬少數族群的團體權;事實上,LGBT的議題在各國的發展取決於各國當地的社會情況(social contexts),如宗教、傳統或其他文化因素等。
國際社會中的成員對於多元性別族群的態度不一,有些國家認為只要做到不歧視(non-discrimination)為已足,但也有國家認為應如同照顧女權一樣(women’s rights),提供性別弱勢者積極措施之保護(affirmative actions or positive measures)。

 LGBT judicial cases by topic
國際上(包括ECtHR)多元性別族群的司法案件很多,關於LGBT的問題主要包括三大類(1)性傾向(sexual orientation)、(2)同性性行為(homosexuality)和(3)性別認同與其他(gender identity and others)。
其中牽涉的議題很廣,大致上可分為:集會結社自由(freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and freedom of association)、領養與親權(adoption, parental rights and obligations)、住居、社會福利與僱傭權益(housing tenure, social and employer’s benefits)、就業與兵役(employment and military service)、居留權或引渡問題(residence permits, extradition)、婚姻及伴侶登記(marriage and registration of partnership)、拒絕為多元性別者服務(personal refusal of services to LGBT)、同性戀入罪化或拘禁(criminalization or detention)、同意的法定年齡(age of consent)、服裝規定(dress code)、捐血問題(blood donation)、監獄裡的恐同症及不當處遇(homophobia and ill-treatment in prison)、性別變更及其後果(gender reassignment and its consequences)等。
1. Criminalization or detention
* Norris v. Ireland (1988):愛爾蘭國內立法同性性行為係一項犯罪,而愛爾蘭無法就其立法目的提出一項有說服力的社會需求(pressing social need),故ECtHR判決該規定違反了公約第8條(right to respect for private life)的規定。
Toonen v. Australia (1994; HRC)
* Marangos v. Cyprus (1997):事實與ECtHR之判決內涵,同上述之Norris v. Ireland案。
訴訟繫屬中:Georgescu v. Romania (no. 4867/03)
2. Age of consent
* B.B. v. United Kingdom (2004)
訴訟繫屬中:F.J. v. Austria (no. 2362/08)
訴訟繫屬中:E.B. v. Austria (no. 26271/08)
訴訟繫屬中:H.G. v. Austria (no. 48098/07)
訴訟繫屬中:dos Santos Couto v. Portugal (no. 31874/07)
3. Freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and freedom of association
* X. Ltd. and Y. v. United Kingdom (1982)
Hertzberg et al. v. Finland (1985; HRC)
* Bączkowski and Others v. Poland (2007):ECtHR認為遊行活動雖然發生了, 但申請人係冒著未經官方授權的風險而為之的。法院認為當局拒絕集會遊行的唯一理由係基於同性傾向(homosexuality), 更不許相關團體與政府進行協調或申訴, 因此違反了公約第11、13(right to an effective remedy)及14條等規定。
* Alekseyev v. Russia (2010):事實與ECtHR之判決內涵,同上述之Bączkowski and Others v. Poland案。
* Vejdeland and Others v. Sweden (2012):瑞典國內一個名為國家青年協會的團體在許多中小學的大門口散布傳單,內容寫著“homosexuality was deviant sexual proclivity [偏差的性癖好], had a morally destructive effect on the substance of society, and was responsible for the development of HIV/AIDS.”,被瑞典政府認定該宣傳品的內容為針對特定性傾向之不合法的歧視性言論(hate speech against homosexuality),故禁止散播。ECtHR認為瑞典政府的作法並未侵害申請人(該團體)公約第10條(right to freedom of expression)下之權利,因法院認為”the fact that discrimination based on sexual orientation was as serious as discrimination based on race, origin or colour.”,故申請人所散布之言論並非言論自由之權利所包涵之範疇,而得加以限制之。
* Genderdoc-M. v. Moldova (2012):事實與ECtHR之判決內涵,同上述之Bączkowski and Others v. Poland案。
訴訟繫屬中:Zhdanov and Rainbow House v. Russia (no. 12200/ 08)
訴訟繫屬中:Fedotova v. Russia (HRC)
4. Adoption, parental rights and obligations
* Salgueiro da Silva Mouta v. Portugal (1999):葡萄牙政府因申請人之同性戀傾向,而撤銷其與前妻原本協議離婚時共同監護子女的法律效力,駁回理由僅因為葡國政府認為兒童應在葡國的家庭傳統中長大,因此ECtHR認為葡國已違反了公約第14及第8條之規定。
* Fretté v. France (2002):ECtHR認為國家機關是最正當且合理的單位裁量領養資格、領養人權利,並依兒童最佳利益(the best interests of children)考量該權利行使之限制(因兒童利益應大於領養人之權利),因此認為法國政府(縱然其拒絕申請人之理由係因他身為同性戀之身份)尚未違反公約第14及第8條,卻違反了第6條(right to a fair hearing)的規定,因其仍應給予申請人公平聽證的機會。
* E.B. v. France (2008):在Fretté v. France案做出判決的六年後,在本案中,ECtHR卻認為法國政府違反了公約第14及第8條之規定,但針對本案與前案之間作出了區別,包括前案之申請人係一單身男子,而本案的申請人是有穩定伴侶關係的女性,故在教養子女可行性之要求上,後者顯然較為容易。又,此期間內法國通過了一項單身者允許領養的法案,因此法國政府不得再以申請人之單身狀態(不問其是否有無伴侶)拒絕接受領養之申請(法院表示:“…sexual orientation is concerned that there is a need for particularly convincing and weighty reasons to justify a difference in treatment.”),故國家應負有舉證責任,證明差別待遇具正當性,否則即為違法。
* J. M. v. United Kingdom (2010):依英國家事法律,父母離婚後,任何一方應給付實際扶養之一方子女之扶養費,但於再婚後得請求減少支付之費用,本案之申請人與前夫離婚後,原本應給付相當比例之扶養費用,在她和女朋友同居並登記為伴侶後,而當時英國早已通過了公民伴侶法(Civil Partnership Act),英國政府卻拒絕申請人費用減免之請求,ECtHR判決英國此作為不只違反公約第14條,也違反了第1號議定書第1條(right to protection of property)之規定。
訴訟繫屬中:X and Others v. Austria (no. 19010/07)
5. Housing tenure, social and employer’s benefits
* Röösli v. Germany (1996)
Grant v. South West Trains Ltd. (1998; ECJ)
D. v. Council (2001; ECJ)
* Mata Estevez v. Spain (2001):ECtHR判決不受理(Inadmissible),因西班牙對於社會補助金的規定,有其自由裁量之餘地,而不涉及ECHR下人權保障的問題。
* Karner v. Austria (2003)
Young v. Australia (2003; HRC)
* Kozak v. Poland (2010):事實與ECtHR之判決內涵,同上述之Karner v. Austria案。
* P.B. and J.S. v. Austria (2010):在奧國2007年7月修法前,其的確有公約第14條及第8條規定之違反, 但在新法通過之後,奧國政府已允許疾病險保障之延伸,而不再問同居人之性別,故該違反之情況已被移除了。
6. Employment and military service
* Smith and Grady v. United Kingdom (1999)、Lustig-Prean and Beckett v. United Kingdom (1999)、Beck, Copp and Bazeley v. United Kingdom (2002)及Perkins and R. v. United Kingdom (2002):以上四個案件都是關於英國士兵因同性性傾向的緣故,遭到英國軍隊除名或除役,而其軍事法院拒絕受理相關申訴案件,嗣後申請人認為英國政府拒絕正義(denial of justice)而向ECtHR起訴,在四起案件中,英國政府都被ECtHR認為違反了公約第8條及第13條(right to an effective remedy)之規定。
7. Residence permits, extradition
X. and Y. v. United Kingdom (1983)
Sobhani v. Sweden (1998)
訴訟繫屬中:R.A. v. France (no. 49718/09)
8. Gender reassignment and its consequences
* Rees v. United Kingdom (1986):公約第12條規定,達到法定結婚年齡的男女有權成立婚姻關係並且成立家庭。本案中,英國不允許變性人更改身份證上性別欄之登記,當時英國也尚未通過公民伴侶法,故ECtHR認為該條規定原先預定適用的範圍即僅限於異性婚姻,而不及於同性婚姻,也承認公約允許會員國在本事項上有較大範圍的裁量空間(wide margin of appreciation),因此裁決英國政府並無違反第14條之規定。
P. v. S and Cornwall County Council (1996; ECJ)
* I. v. United Kingdom (2002)及Christine Goodwin v. United Kingdom (2002):在I. v. United Kingdom 及Christine Goodwin v. United Kingdom 兩案中,ECtHR改變了其在Rees v. United Kingdom案中判決的態度(這兩案的事實狀況與該案類似,都是變性人申請結婚登記遭到駁回之案件),對於手術後的變性人與不同於其新性別的其他人結婚,也被法院認為在第12條的禁止範圍內(如這兩起案件之判決),儘管法院表示了與先前不同之看法,但大致上並沒有改變婚姻權的保護範圍仍限於「不同性別間」之婚姻(marriage of opposite sex persons)的見解。不過,法院認為英國政府在本案中仍有公約第14條之違反,因為法院不認為申請人新的性別身份之承認會如同英國政府所言,將影響社會大眾的利益甚鉅,且英國也無法證明其駁回事由具有其他正當的法律基礎,以合理化其歧視性之作為。

事實上,英國已於2004年通過了《性別承認法》(Gender Recognition Act),該法要求其中一人為變性人的已婚伴侶,在其變性的一方取得「性別承認證書」(Gender Recognition Certificate)前,須先註銷兩人的婚姻關係。
K.B. v. NHS Pensions Agency (2004; ECJ)
Richards v. Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (2006; ECJ)

* P.V. v. Spain (2010):申請人離婚後,完成變性手術成為一名變性人(male-to-female transgendered),西班牙政府基於她暫時性情緒不穩定(temporarily emotional instability)為理由,限制其探視子女之權利。EctHR認為西國並無公約第8及第14條之違反,因為權利受到限制的重點並不在申請人之變性問題,而是考量到手術副作用之影響導致申請人的心理狀態不穩定,且孩子需要若干時間適應父親性別之改變,故該暫時性的權利限制是為必要正當且合理的。
訴訟繫屬中:A. K. v. Poland
訴訟繫屬中:P. v. Portugal
訴訟繫屬中:Y.Y. v. Turkey
9. Dress code and blood donation
* Kara v. United Kingdom (1998)
* Tosto v. Italy (2002)
10. Marriage and registration of partnership
Joslin v. New Zealand (2002; HRC)
* Schalk and Kopf v. Austria (2010):雖然ECtHR認為同性關係如同異性關係,亦符合家庭生活(family life)的概念,但公約並未要求國家必須同意或承認同性婚姻(same-sex marriage),而國家在評估同性婚姻合法性時,須考慮到當地社會和文化的情境,因此各地結論的確可能不同,此結果並不違反公約第12(right to marry)、第14(prohibition of discrimination)及第8條(right to respect for private and family life)等規定。
訴訟繫屬中:Chapin and Charpentier v. France
11. Personal refusal of services to LGBT
訴訟繫屬中:Ladele v. United Kingdom (see Ladele v London Borough of Islington)
訴訟繫屬中:McFarlane v. United Kingdom (see McFarlane v Relate Avon Ltd)
12. Homophobia and ill-treatment in prison
* Vincent Stasi v. France (2011):本案中,ECtHR認為國家至少應透過立法措施,禁止恐同行為(homophobic acts)跟跨性別恐懼行為(transphobic acts),否則不作為亦會違反公約第14條之規定。
* X. v. Turkey (2012):申請人因同性性傾向遭到獄友霸凌,土國政府因此將其關進單人牢房中,反而更造成申請人心裡壓力極大,且深受隔離之痛苦,因此ECtHR認為土國政府該項決定雖然附有理由卻過當了,故違反了公約第3條(prohibition of torture, and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment)和第14條等規定。
訴訟繫屬中:Aghdgomelashvili and Japaridze v. Georgia

 QUESTION: 回到這個主題一開始所提出的問題,根據1977年Capotorti所提出的報告,LGBT人士將受到性質要件(characteristics criterion)之限制,而不符合少數族群之定義,但是否將LGBT視為少數族群的爭點究竟為何?
若承認LGBT minority group之存在,則其中成員之個人及團體本身(as such)得享有特別權利之保障。
然而,若不予以承認,又會有何影響呢?事實上,適用結果應該是差不多的,States in both cases will be free and discretionary, on the basis of the principle of margin of appreciation [裁量餘地], to adopt necessary and reasonable measures as they regard in a proportionate way as in a democratic society。

 QUESTION: As matter of rights, the legal institution of same-sex marriage should be regarded as a question of gender equality or of the right to marriage and private life?
The question of the right to marriage depends on social context of States; rather, the question of gender equality is more concerned with the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms under international human rights law.
在國內既有法規修法(amendment)或立新法(new legislation)之前,擁護同性婚姻合法化者應同時主張平等權及婚姻權作為法源基礎,惟當一國憲法中婚姻權若不被視為基本權時,則平等權將成為更加強而有力的理論依據。ECtHR曾在許多案例中都表示,ECHR中的權利不僅是寫在公約裡的條文,而是會因著社會發展再延伸或擴張的,例如第12條婚姻權(right to marriage)的概念可能將隨著日漸開放的社會變遷,而自條文文字中明文規定的異性婚姻(different-sex marriage),延伸解釋到同性婚姻(same-sex marriage)的情況。因此,可以再次證明了ECHR是活絡的法律工作,而得以透過條約解釋、司法裁判和法律適用等方式,擴充權利的本質與內涵,以因應整體社會的發展趨勢(當然,其他全球性或區域性的人權公約也應該秉持這樣的精神)。

四、 結論、團體實作與討論課程(Final Lecture, Conclusion and Group Project Work on a Practical case)

QUESTION: In international human rights law, most of instruments contain separate provisions for the right to equality and freedom from discrimination respectively, such as articles 2.1, 3 and 26 of the ICCPR, is there any indication or meaning behind this special arrangement of structure?
Answer: “Equality”, idealistically, applies to everyone, in general, as a comprehensive idea in human rights entitlements. However, practically speaking, to make all equal is still way beyond the reality, so the principle of “non-discrimination” is required, because it can be seen as the lowest standard to ensure everyone to be fairly treated in dignity, before the law or any policies concerned.

The right to equality and freedom from discrimination under the ICCPR:
平等權(Article 2.1:Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to respect and to ensure to “all individuals” within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction the rights recognized in the present Covenant, “without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status”.)
性別平等(Article 3:The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to ensure “the equal right of men and women” to the enjoyment of all civil and political rights set forth in the present Covenant.)
不歧視(Article 26:All persons are “equal before the law” and are “entitled without any discrimination to the equal protection of the law”. In this respect, the law shall prohibit any discrimination and guarantee to all persons equal and effective protection against discrimination on any ground such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.)
少數族群成員之權利(Article 27:In those States in which ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities exist, persons belonging to such minorities shall not be denied the right, in community with the other members of their group, to enjoy their own culture, to profess and practise their own religion, or to use their own language.)

 QUESTION: With regard to minorities’ protection, should there be a new universal treaty comprehensively dealing with those belated questions, like what the CoE’s FCNM has done? And, is there any relevance to the ICERD or the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, when it comes to ethnicity- or culturally-based issues of minorities?
 QUESTION: In the context of minorities’ protection as a collective right, does the doctrine of the right to self-determination have anything to do with? Take the situations of Tibetan or Uyghur as well as many other minority groups in China as examples that China’s government has always taken assimilation measures, often referred as Sinicisation (漢化), instead of integration process, what can the minorities claim, on the basis of self-determination or minorities’ protection?
Answer: Minorities’ protection under international human rights law is rather focused on individuals belonging to the groups, though minorities also claim their rights as a group at the same time. Even so, it is still all about the concept of identity [身份認同], apart from others in society. As for the right to self-determination, it is not necessarily for the minorities groups, but a group of people in sense of recognition of dignity as a self-governing or at least an autonomous entity [自我治理], apart from the original jurisdiction it has been subject to. Nowadays, particularly in the aftermath of the cold war, the doctrine of self-determination often refers to the principle of democracy, which means State governance rests on resolution of people.

 QUESTION: If Capotorti’s definition of minorities can be seen outdated today, can we assert to remove the limited characteristics criterion by reference to the CRPD (Disabilities Convention), as well as the nationality criterion by reference to the ICRMW (Migrant Workers Convention), which have both gained universal recognition on importance of protection for small group of people in a society? If so, then the LGBT people should be entitled with special protection as a minority group, shouldn't it?
Answer: “Minorities” this term can be interpreted as a traditional stage from being marginalized or disadvantage in society to being no more marginalized or disadvantaged [少數與否,亦取決於社會邊緣化之程度及弱勢與否,像少數的富人階級就不得因此主張為少數族群], so it should depend on their social status, objective capacity and subjective willingness.
In this sense, no matter in regards of migrants, indigenous people, the disabled persons or LGBT people and many others kinds, they, at their own choice to be regarded as a member belonging the groups, should be respected as minorities with special protection and attention, before the State (domestic society) is developed well enough to provide equal treatment [平等待遇] for them.


若不問判決拘束力(binding force of judgments)的差別,在ECtHR獲得救濟判決的案件比例僅約5%,相對而言,HRC獲得終局裁定的機率則高出許多。在遵守判決這方面,國家(States)負有責任執行或適用發現公約違的法院判決(executing or applying the judgments finding any violation of the ECHR); 而CoM Committee of Ministers),則是負責監督判決執行或適用之機關,制裁手段可能是中止會員籍(suspension of membership)或驅離(expulsion),故CoM又有CoE’s policeman之稱。

Any of the official languages of the member States [會員國的官方語言] can be submitted to the Court in an application, as long as the language is being used has been officially recognized among the member States.

1. 外國人適用the law of expropriation of alien property;
2. 本國人則是人權法下財產保障權(right to property protection)的問題,而不是適當住居權(right to adequate housing)的問題。

 課程總結
In law, philosophy and theory, human rights concern every single aspect of our lives, but in fact, history and practice, the development of human dignity and guarantee of social justice still rely on people’s awareness [個人意識], community’s supports [社會共識] and government’s resolution [政府決心].全球性的人權體系,如UN框架下的人權公約,象徵了國際社會的推動人權保障決心和意志,但實踐上往往又因地區而異(region by region),歐洲的人權體系最為完善且發達,美洲則因為南北美之間的隔閡且充滿懷疑論者(skepticism)而發展受限。

至於非洲和亞洲,則發展情況大相逕庭。前者擁有良好的條約體系及國際機制,但因為內戰(internal armed conflicts)頻仍、政治貪腐(corruption of governments)和經濟落後(low-leveled economic development)等原因,人民與資源受到西方國家或跨國企業嚴重剝削(human abuse and resource exploitation by Western powers or TNCs),公民社會(civil societies)缺乏知識,導致人權規範的實踐不確實,國家落實不力; 而後者雖然社會發展程度較高,但或許出於公民意識(civil awareness)較低落或是文化傳統等因素(cultural factors),導致民主化(democratization)的進程緩慢,良政(good governance)與法治(rule of law)與經濟發展的步伐不一致,因此區域性的人權體系難以開展,目前只能寄望東南亞國協有所作為,如其轄下於2009年建立的「東盟政府間人權委員會」(ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights,AICHR)及2012年會員國元首會議通過的《東盟人權宣言》(ASEAN Human Rights Declaration)。

As this series of course has revealed, we may conclude that the value of human rights and the norms of human rights protection can be promoted and implemented mainly by several determinants: 1) social development, 2) people’s identity, 3) education and 4) peaceful coexistence of communities. Moreover, this should be not only a top-down [由上而下] process but also a bottom up [由下而上] process simultaneously. Human rights development can be said to be launched and pushed by a mixed engine of vertical (e.g. Dissolution of the Soviet Union [蘇聯解體: Распад СССР], Taiwan’s unilateral ratification of HRs Covenants [台灣片面批准人權公約]) and horizontal effects (e.g. French Revolution [法國大革命: Révolution française], Arab Spring [阿拉伯之春]).

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