入秋後, 第一枚颱風[凡那比]離開之後
但她也留下了一片狼藉, 破壞了其他人的寧靜
好巧不巧, 寫下這篇網誌的同時
真心地祈求: May God bless Taiwan,
Furthermore, God bless this world!!!
→→ 回到校園的第一天,這個晚上…
There was a big boy,
smoothly telling me a story about himself.
I was merely trying to make some small talk,
at the nighttime, the breeze blew tenderly,
he burst into tears in a sudden...
I was so attracted by THAT story,
and unwarily asking too many questions.
It was not an investigation,
but it was like a deep inquiry, I was stunned.
It was even too much for a grownup.
This idea just flashed into my mind,
let alone for a kid...it was too heavy to carry on.
but he stands tall to live until today,
with great responsibility for his own beloved.
Now the kid is no longer little,
the story has become part of the history,
but he is still full of emotions when talking over.
Everything just happened out of the blue...
What was a crashing change of life!
For me, I was more like a listener,
as a friend, as a counselor, as a spectator,
and I can even felt it function innermost,
that was how much it bumped my heartbeats.
I was imagining that straw in the wind.
Walking side by side,
I wanted to speak of something sweet though,
at the moments, I was unexpectedly choked.
It turned out that the guy next to me,
saying mature words to fix up the situation.
Feeling comforted, I just realized that,
the big boy was behaving so much a MAN,
just like after being through all of this,
by experiencing lots of complications,
he has become a real man,
who is capable to back up his own home.
From that, I got clear insight of him.
Not simply an overseas student,
Not only someone to be a teammate,
he is also very stubborn,
sticking to all the principles as others of Taurus;
he is also a man of sophisticated concepts,
so that he lives on reality,
but he is also of straightforward feelings,
so that he always expresses genuine-heartedly.
These are why this guy is so charming.
From the year we acted as co-fighters,
he has been one of my best friends.
I always know that he is smart and considerate,
but I just found out he is also very thoughtful,
not only because he becomes so prudent,
but also he keeps his true nature in any way.
I do appreciate that he gave me the chance,
now and then it couldn't be easy,
but he helped me break the ice wall before me,
After saying goodbye,
I breezed away along the street home,
and couldn't stop thinking of his words,
trying to keep in mind of every detail.
That was so novelistic but real of him tonight,
barely masked or covered in front of me,
and how lucky I was to be there all ears.
What an amazingly lovely night!
I was honored and he was transparent.
There was a series of steps towards life,
from a little kid to a so mature man,
looking upon all of this, so vivid and lively.
Originally I was responsive and talkative,
but I was in tears as I dug out something in me,
by watching a real touching movie of memories.
He was not much stronger than me, either,
when he heard that "at least, you got each other."
This is just the line to drive on the conversation.
導演:Mike Binder
演員:Adam Sandler、Don Cheadle、Liv Tyler
這部戲的故事情境 讓我回想起[窒愛](Brothers)
這部戲的呈現方式 讓我回想起[王牌冤家](Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
在一場意外中失去摯愛 不可抗力的感覺令人好無助
極力地尋覓原本的生活方式 卻越追求越封閉
從外在到內心 漸漸地不再信任任何人 不願想起任何事
那是一種極深沉的痛苦 科學家稱這樣的狀況為[創傷後壓力症候群](PTSD)
復原之路特別漫長 需要絕對的沉澱 完全的私密空間 和大量的愛與耐性
為什麼人生需要承受那麼多苦難 折磨著 罹難的和存活的人
德華說: All of this thanks to God!
究竟是反諷著"The God brings us too much pain down to earth."
還是真誠地感激著"The God eventually still saves us from the hell."
縱然如此 無論如何 我也由衷認同他那句話—All of this thanks to God!
- Sep 21 Tue 2010 01:47
【Reign Over Me Out Of The Blue】