Mis ojos y oídos queridos,
usted me ha estado trayendo experimentar tanto y,
este mundo puede ser este fantástico e interesante,
es todo debido a usted…
Con la experimentación de estas inconveniencias,
apenas no puedo dejar de decir así pues,
"¡Soy apesadumbrado y muchas gracias!"

Eyes were sore, even nearly,
I would have faced with blindness,
and this made me really scared,
for I am so afraid of seeing nothing.

Ears are weird, far closely,
I might have encountered deafness,
and this is still making me nervous,
for I am damn anxious about pain.

Eyes are said as windows of soul,
but in my mind,
ears are more like receivers.

They told me,
it would be due to such mental pressure,
letting me feel uneasy and tense.

But I think,
there must be something to do with physics,
Maybe I am already sick,
yet have I just not found what happens to me.

The most sensitive organs may feel accurately,
and simultaneously reflect something wrong.
It is for me like a warning,
of near dangers, future risks, or present problems.

My beloved eyes and ears,
you have been bringing me to experience so much,
and this world can be this fantastic and interesting,
it is all because of you…
Through experiencing these inconveniences,
I just cannot help saying so,
"I am sorry and many thanks!"

    創作者 JELPH Po-Han Lee 的頭像
    JELPH Po-Han Lee

    les voix: For/Getting|Re/Membering

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