So long! my gorgeous God,
Where is my ideal Roma?
It's never too far from me, and I think, I can see it now.
轉換又轉換 旋轉又旋轉 我不貪得無饜 但也不志得意滿
路 總是 直直長長 不蜿蜒就不有趣 不曲折就不完整
走了好遠好遠 於是 看得見 望見彼端 卻不是真正的終點
人生 介於中間 有時平順 有時起伏 繞遠路 或羊腸小徑
Just desire to be interdisciplinary intelligently, my personality,
Not so greedy, not so daydreamy, to do is to get a chance.
My reform endeavor is my power; to be smart is damn cool!
From jurisprudence to economics,
From linguistics to languages,
From sociology to marketing,
From management to politics,
From accounting to psychology,
From literature to philosophy,
What haven't I tried?
What wasn't I satisfied?
Actually I'm full of myself, it's tough but complete.
Definitely it's unbelievably imaginary,
However it's also incredibly entertaining.
Strong motivations and inspirations drive me extremely hard,
I'm still courageous enough to face emotions notwithstanding.
條條大路通羅馬 除此之外 還想去哪?
光明面 樂觀點 多一次嘗試 多一個機會 多一種能力
積極面 看開點 看遠些 想多點 得到的多更多
You think you are weak, but you are wrong,
No one can be like you that unique and admirably beautiful.
Dreams are made up; reality is practiced again and again as well,
So how to achieve both at the same time with your clenching fists.
You should think about it deliberately!
Pondering, hesitating and worrying are right and necessary,
But just go forward more and more ahead to it is also important.
按兵不動 當作是休息 為了接下來難以預料的路途之遙
但 枕戈待旦 蓄勢待發 更是無法避免的長遠之計
敵動我不動 敵是自己 難不成自己也不動 所以 一靜不如一動
Evaluations, evolutions, resolutions keep revolutions.
I want to be modern, potential, developing and prevailing.
Since all roads lead to Rome,
So why don't I prove that, actions speak louder than words
Thx love, you are the best
To teach me that I'm still on the way toward which determined.
- Feb 05 Mon 2007 02:49