In appreciation of the crystal tablets being given,
besides being really flattered by certified the Winning,
I feel also greatly honored to be awarded the Best Memorial.
Not merely because I was almost devoted to it,
but it is also our very first time to dig into IHL and ICL,
and now we find out how complicated and significant they are.
事隔不到十個月 一座全新冠軍獎牌有其象徵意義
雖經歷過JESSUP ICJ Moot的洗禮 這一次是相對簡單的
密集的時程 較短的案例 簡易的規則
不過很可惜的是 許多限制也使我們無法真的輰所欲言
尤其是一個人埋頭苦寫訴狀時 那壓抑文思泉湧之苦
But it still means something, especially much to me,
for that at this time, the game is more beyond anticipation.
As a new competition with so much unpredictability,
it is very challenging by using brand new knowledge.
真的非常感激 ICRC提供的這個平台—ICRC ICC Moot
這全然是塊新的領域 迫使我們必須從頭虛心學習
因為在這之前 其實不是太有機會接觸到人道法
一直以來 我都以為人權法已經足以解決所有問題
This time we are forced to be very focused on IHLs,
and to study every case within ICL jurisprudence
with sufficient understanding of its background story,
as well as to identify the norms to be applied,
and to analyze the charges with facts to be held.
At the beginning, it was nothing but an eager for fun;
in the middle, it became the thing to be substituted,
which means it is always the second on the priority list.
When the date approximated, it turned to pressuring,
by thinking of ‘can not lose’ instead ‘will not lose’,
which means to win is a duty more than an honor.
相對於JESSUP ICJ Moot 那般令人苦不堪言的長期作戰
將近一年的折磨 足以培養出律師及時解決問題的能力
但再透過這次的短期抗戰 更學到了如何即時處理問題
另外一點是 相較於天方夜譚地討論國家應負的民事責任
藉由這次的賽制 得以研究個人須為重罪所負的刑事責任
也因此有機會 熟悉國際刑事法院的訴訟程序和操作模式
Everything of the ICC is so distinct from what the ICJ owns.
諸如模擬法庭這種時事與規範結合 相映成趣的方式
讓我能夠用different angles to see things happened
尤其是那些遠在地球其他角落 不斷發生的武裝衝突
以及任何 破壞基本人性尊嚴和公序良俗的殘暴行為
Therefore at last, I double checked why I wanted to start this.
I finally figure out the genuine purpose of this competition,
and the right intention we should have when doing so.
然後 我不敢說那種得不得冠軍不重要的違心論
因為參加比賽 獲勝的企圖心始能激發最大的潛能
但最後終須回頭檢視 自己是否得到什麼特別的收穫
才不至於在賽事落幕之後 讓獎牌成為唯一的回憶
To win or lose a game is determined at one moment only,
but the real success or failure might be decided by
to what extent you captured and appreciated during it.
Meanwhile, after arriving at DC in February,
the destination is going to be HK in next March.
At last but not the least, besides the ICRC,
there are still special thx to:
Helen—the best mooter forever progressive
Nicholas—the best coordinator to work with
Steven—the best advisor for us to resort to
TW Lee—an elder always deserves respects
Michael—a man who ever introduced us this
TH Sun—a true friend never leaves from us
Ray—the man provides much love and comfort
Everyone else who all the time encourages, supports and inspires us
- Dec 13 Sun 2009 10:20
【Many Thanks To Your Excellencies。2009】