
Why do I have to care?
Who do you think you are?
少來 (攤手不屑貌)。

某句話說的很好 切中要領!
"Never explain yourself to anyone,
because the person who likes you doesn't need it,
and the person who dislikes you won't believe it."

很多事 擺著 不一定會爛
種子 不管 也能發芽
為什麼要插手 自視甚高的優越感
以為 抱怨多一點 比較酷嗎?!

Probably you did something,
yet unnecessarily expected others to do the same.
一人的期望 不是他人的想法
不瞭解 就毌須發聲 以免失言

不要把自己看得太厲害 畢竟not really
與其催眠身邊的人 一起數落別人的不是
還不如管好自己 想想自己還缺乏什麼
是EQ 是度量 是體貼 還是理性?

允許自己荒唐的人 行徑詭異
認同自己走調的人 居心叵測
You are not less weird or egoistic.
To attack others won't let you look cooler.

I might be insane, but I don't have to explain.
Knowing what I want, that's why I do this way.
It's none of your business, so I don't give a shit.
沒有比較進入狀況 就閉嘴。

    創作者 JELPH Po-Han Lee 的頭像
    JELPH Po-Han Lee

    les voix: For/Getting|Re/Membering

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