Around 7:00 in this morning, my foreign friends eventually finished their travel of Taiwan. Due to keeping the last moments to accompany them, I even stayed those days and nights in their dormitory...


In the evening of 28th, Peter Chen and I arranged a big supper in the Skylark Restaurant. Many students of NCHU had also attended it to have a great time with us. After all, everyone was satisfied by the European style meals; additionally, I gifted a red envelope with some sincere words and an ancient coin inside as a souvenir to each of them. Thankfully, all of them were pleased by the presents. By the way, I gave Felix an empty one, because I had other stuff especially for him.

Afterwards, we went to a square next to the Brother Hotel to have some drinks. They served typical German beers, and we chatted a lot and played a drinking game there. Because both of Barbaras, Maria and Alexandra were going back to Austria directly, so it was their last night in Taiwan. After midnight, I felt a bit drunk, so I decided to have a stay in their dormitory. Even though I was very tired, but I still had a good time of playing ping pong with Felix, Charlie and Diana, especially mentioned Maria, because she is a good player,too, and I was surprised by that.


I woke up very late at noon of 29th, and I’d made an appointment with Felix to do some shopping of electronic stuffs. But Felix was later than me.

Firstly, we decided to have lunch, and we chose pot stickers to have; then afterwards, we had cups of cappuccino at Starbucks. What a casual lunchtime!!

We’d caught up the time before Barbaras, Maria and Alexandra left, and they departed at 4:00p.m. It was so hard to say goodbye to them, and I felt little upset that they had to leave earlier…

Then I went out with Felix. The first stop was the CASIO shop; we just checked the types, prizes and functions of the timers. Afterwards, I brought him to Kuang Hua Electronics Market to search for the digital camera, which his friend wants. Nevertheless, we still returned back to NOVA to get all of the stuffs we need. Fortunately, we got the satisfying prizes. Then we had an appointment with Walther, Wilhelm and Christian at SOGO, and Walther were going to take us to a Fakes’ Store. It was also my first time there; however, the prizes are still too high for me even a fake, but they seemed to discover something treasuring, besides Christian. He told me that he didn’t interest in girls’ stuffs. Therefore, the three big guys kept busy for bags, and I had a chat with Christian about the experiences of going abroad and the opinions of the U.S.A. And both of us have some similar views. By the way, when I had the discussion with other guys of the same topic, I found that Felix and Matthias have also the similar compliments of it. At last, I went home directly, because my parents just came back from business. During the dinner, I asked them whether I could keep company with my foreign friends for the last two days, and even sleep in their dorm or not. To my surprise, they accepted it easily.

Therefore, I left for their place ASAP, and they were all very happy for my coming. Then we started to discuss the plan for the next day, and originally Felix and I had decided to join Walther, Wilhelm and Christian to visit the Taipei Zoo, but after we woke up in the morning, we had another plan for ourselves already.

By the way, the first night I stayed there, Charlie told me some interesting and weird stories and the history of their tribal tradition. Because he is indeed a good comedian, so even I could not get all the points of what he said with strong accent, but I couldn’t help laughing much as well as Felix.

Afterwards, we went to have a ping pong game for fun. Diana, Charlie, Felix and I did have much funny time of this recreation, and so was that night. Then we went to sleep after a beer.


Next day, I woke up so early as Wilhelm, because I supposed that Felix and I were going to the zoo as well; however, Felix changed his mind, and I decided to follow him. After they leave, we backed to sleep again till midday. We had pot stickers for our lunch again before we begun to fit our schedule. And we went to Starbucks as well. This time we only had one cup of coffee and a cake. Furthermore, we chatted something about our feelings and impressions of the other guys and even ourselves. I told him that I felt kind of empty and disappointed for their nearly departure, and he was so nice to comfort me and cheer me up. But I knew that would only enhance the sense of lost. Whatever, I know he’s promised me to keep in touch, and that’s enough.

We went to the CASIO shop to buy two timers for Felix’s dad and the fakes store to get a elegant bag for his mom. In my opinion, he’s a truly filial, good-tempered and home-liking guy, so that’s why I do like to talk and to get along with him. So far, he has served me so many times, included taxi fees, eating or drinking. He was so considerable that I didn’t know how to reject his kindness; as for me, he is a real buddy that we could share everything and talk upon every topic. After all, I always think of that how lucky enough I was to have this friend.

Because we reached our goal of shopping very soon, we backed to the dorm ASAP. He needed to pack his packages. In fact, Charlie had already been very busy in packing for few days, but he still did not finish it before he went to sleep.

By the way, there were many coincidences in the afternoon. Felix and I bumped into Diana and Elisabeth in a train, and we encountered Edith, Walther, Wilhelm and Christian on the way to the CASIO shop. I would say,” What a small city we stayed!!”

The plan for night was that we’d decided to go to Shuhling Night Market. After Felix packed already, and Walther, Wilhelm and Christian took a rest, we went shopping with Edith altogether. In the other hand, Matthias, Katrin, Charlie and Emei went visited the Tamsui River Bank; however Doris was alone in the dorm. Before we started to shop crazily, we had dinner at first. At last, we all had bought something for ourselves.

They (most the foreigners) had a long talk about their coming journey in Hong Kong. Although I couldn’t understand them at all, I still sat there to listen to them carefully, because it was so interesting for me.

Afterwards, I hanged around the campus with a cigarette, and I found that so did Felix in the campus. I went to him and wondered about what was going on, and he told that he tried to call back home, but in vain, so he was waiting. During the while, we were both in the bad moods, but for different reasons. To save his personal space, I’ll keep it as a secret. And what’s up to me? I would say that I feel so sad and wistful for their coming departure in the next morning, and I got more and more sentimental than in the morning.

Due to getting rid of the bad feeling, I invited Diana, Elisabeth, and Edith to have the last ping pong game. Diana told me she was seriously considering about studying abroad in Taiwan one day, and I told her that I was also planning to study in Europe in the future. What’s more, there is a cute promise between us was that if she would came to Taiwan before I might go to Europe, I’d bring her to have more ping pong games. In reality, she does have talents of it, and she can play it much better than the first time.

Afterwards, Felix came back, but he went to bed ASAP, and I thought it’s not necessary to bother him anymore. He’s clever enough to handle the problem.

By the way, Katrin gave me a poster of Tirol, and Diana gave me a brochure about some business introduction of Austria in German.

After the midnight, there are only me, Emei, Matthias and Katrin left in the living room. And Katrin gifted Matthias some toys, a letter and a underwear. I was so curious about that, so I asked her why. Then she began to tell me something very funny with Matthias during the round travel of Taiwan… (Ha!!) And I just found that they both are indeed cute and interesting, and I did like to see them fight for fun. They did look like children. Matthias wouldn’t join the others to Hong Kong, and he’ll fly to Tokyo directly, so he’ll stay in Taipei till Sep. 4th. Eventually, we went to sleep at 4:00 in the morning…


The terrible farewell was finally coming on Aug 31st. I woke up so early as them at around 6:20. I tried to be so busy in packing, and helping them to carry the packages to the bus. And my buddy Felix took company with me to the bus. He was the only one who didn’t give me a hug; however, I think it’s good for me. Because I was afraid I would cry out by the atmosphere. It was too difficult to say Good-bye; we did have much very good time together, and even we’ve lived together for the whole month, from Taichung to Taipei, since Aug 4th to 31st.Everything was just like happened in yesterday, and the memories were kept by me in deep mind.

It’s the end of August, and it’s the end of the dream. I met so many nice people, I had so many foreign friends, I spoke so much English, I learned so much German, I experienced so many fantasies, I did so many crazy things, I got so many souvenirs, and I remembered so much stuffs. That’s all. That’s already totally cool and different from my original life. This is the most special summer I’ve had. Therefore, after all, in spite of that I’m back to the reality, I have to face new challenges, I should deal with the real life, and I may lose something certain years later, I still need to fight for my ideal life, to accomplish my goal, to fit up my ambition, and to make dreams come true. Just to show my improvement and maturity in the normal life, and I believe that now I’m more confident.

So why do I have to feel upset and sentimental? As long as I stay a touch with them, time and distance become nothing at all. The friendship should be actually everlasting unlike the memories might be shored one day, shouldn’t it?! (Das ist Leben!!)
    創作者 JELPH Po-Han Lee 的頭像
    JELPH Po-Han Lee

    les voix: For/Getting|Re/Membering

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