Marxist feminism & Socialist feminism

  • Not much difference: a matter of emphasis than of substance
  • Turning point: womens subordination in the Soviet Union
  • Class as the root cause of all oppressions or a metaphor of different forms of oppression (complicated by patriarchy and sexism)


Lets recall the Marxist conceptualisations

  • What makes human distinct from non-human? – human nature and social progress
  • Liberalist explanation
  • Marxist explanation
  • Metaphorical idealism v. Historical materialism


Human beings create themselves.

  • Consciousness come before (a priori) or after (a posteriori) the creation of society
  • Individualist v. Collectivist


Marxist theory of economic relations

  • Capitalism = exchange relations (nothing is untransactable) + power relations (no transaction is inexploitative)
  • Surplus values (pic)
  • Feminist debates: sex work, surrogate mother


Marxist theory of social relations

  • Class division —> internal contradictions —> class struggle
  • Class consciousness v. False consciousness (you think you are free)
  • Alienation effect: meaninglessness and worthlessness
  • From the product of labour
  • From themselves at work
  • From others who are potential competitors
  • From natural environment which bars development
  • Feminist debates:
  • Women as a class?
  • Self-worth defines by others worth


Marxist theory of political relations

  • Class struggle at the centre of all politics: from everyday counter-tactics (sick time, personal strike), to class consciousness-based revolution
  • Emancipation of society and the self


Marxist theory of family relations

  • Women as workers v. Womens as women
  • Engels (1845), The Origin of the Family
  • Whats the social development that he was arguing?


Family formations/relations: from natural to economic conditions

All marry all: preventing extinction

—> incest taboo

—> home-based economy: matrilineal + matriarchal

—> extra-household economy: father up, mother down

—> the birth of patriarchy (patrilineal inheritance)

—> due to biological reproductive relations: the need of monogamous family


Marriage of convenience because of the rising significance of private property


Classical Marxist feminism

  • Primary enemy of proletarian women is capitalism (Evelyn Reed)
  • Work women’s neglected domestic labour, which should be socialised (Margaret Benston)
  • Wages for housework, which is productive for capitalist society (Mariarosa Costa and Selma James)


Contemporary socialist feminism

  • Dual-systemic oppression: Marxist feminist ‘class power’ (capitalism/production) + radical feminist ‘sex status’ (patriarchy/reproduction)
  • * Capitalism has contradicted with, but also reinforced, patriarchy, which has lived longer (Juliet Mitchell).
  • * Double alienation, because of patriarchy, is experienced by women through their bodies (Alison Jaggar).
  • Interactive-systemic oppression: the co-sponsorship relations between women’s ‘class’ (second class) and ‘sex’ (second sex)
  • * Sexual division of labour is fixated in capitalist society and inscribed as gendered relations (Iris Young).
  • * Though self-contradictory, capitalist patriarchy becomes an self-adaptive unity system (Heidi Hartmann)



As a proletarian woman

As a bourgeois woman

As a proletarian man

As a bourgeois man

  • What does the state mean to you?
  • To what extent you think you are free/unfree?
  • What everyday and workplace oppression, or tension, would you face?
  • How do you pursue ‘emancipation’ – i.e. liberating from what to what end?


Post-Cold War to date

  • The Soviet Union’s dissolution and the failure of communism in the 1990s
  • The more, rather than less, relevance of Marxist/socialist feminism





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