[突發奇想: Whether are you spoiled by obscurantism or not?!]
A head-of-State winning an uneasy war
A head-of-State staying neutrally at any issue
A head-of-State insisting on public service
... Which one should be better for you to vote for?!
1) To wage a war must be paid by reducing costs in domestic
policies, let alone it might be based on an unlawful or illegitimate
cause. Btw, he must be really stupid to do so, due that it was
foreseen as an uneasy one.
( = 選他,就只好等著上戰場!? )
2) To stand neutrally in any event means to make no decision
at all in variety of issues. No leader would be criticized for siding
with some preferential policies, as long as they are reasonable,
but they should be for doing nothing.
( = 選他,就等於什麼都沒選?! )
3) To provide public service without a concrete and comprehensive
plan would likely lead to corruptions, waste of taxes, or even
bankruptcy of State owing to a series of following constructions
and governmental procurement.
( = 選他,就只能聽天由命了?! )
What do you think?!
* ps. (ref. from Wikipedia)
Obscurantism (French: obscurantisme, from the Latin obscurans,
"darkening") is the practice of deliberately preventing the facts or
the full details of some matter from becoming known.
There are two, common, historical and intellectual, denotations:
1) restricting knowledge -- opposition to the spread of knowledge,
a policy of withholding knowledge from the public; and
2) deliberate obscurity -- an abstruse style, as in literature and art,
characterized by deliberate vagueness.
- Mar 02 Fri 2012 07:49