This is the night, and my bloke's big day.
Needn't do anything too much,
Just spare one night,
Having a wonderful dinner
And listening to some nice music
With some good and cute friends,
To stay with him all day long
Would be the best way to celebrate!
Nicholas, together with Helen...
The super stars of all the time.
From my bottom of hear,
I sincerely wish them all the best
Ever and forever!
You know I love you,
And so do others gathered around...
They are lovely, just as you both.
Hard to imagine the end is coming.
We've spent almost one year,
To learn, to drive and to battle,
Eager to know how you feel so?
I've been already proud, not for myself,
But for you guys next to my shoulders.
The dim light, the dark sky,
The cold day and the hot night,
The smoky boy and the sweetie gal,
Where my passion can be derived.
Long fight with few hours to rest,
Non-stop busy but pause for your days,
Big applause, bit rhythm and fine wine.
You are my brown sugar,
For satisfying my hungry sweet tooth,
Dip some on my pudding to make it rock.
A bar of cigar for remembrance of life,
Two cards with hearted words for wishes,
and lamb jokes for memory of the good time.
Happy birthday to my brave mates,
The dearest Aquarius babes of mine,
Whom are always fulfilled with
My highly admirable appreciations.
- Jan 22 Thu 2009 23:57
【Brown Sugar Night】