Jessup Moot Court Competition台灣區的比賽
想像將來世界級的規模in Washington D.C.
We got the award of the best Memo.
We have the best and excellent Oralists.
And without question we are the best team, ever.
As a substantial member, I feel honored as well.
With no formally essence, I feel a bit regretted.
The rest time remain short and insufficient.
I feel great pressure loading on my shoulders.
一直以來 我從不擅長做任何決定
舉凡是by myself的抉擇 通常都會成為pity
人生那麼短 時間那麼少 卻有很多夢想
塞爆了 stuck into and occupied my whole brain
My mercy reflected my weakness 簡單卻不單純
總是喜歡勝者全拿的遊戲 現實且勢利
我承認 自己沒那麼濯清漣而不妖
壓力卸下後開始思考很多問題 包括the next step
時間空間的限制 自己的能力和野心
I am always one with many ambitions but hardly pursue.
畢竟 那是別人的成就 別人的冠軍
我看見自己的參與 也看見自己的成長
但 內在的 終究無法證明什麼
No wonder I was not that happy as I expected to be.
No wonder I felt kind of shame on me.
I knew I wanted to do, no matter whether in vain or not.
接受挑戰 著手 達成目標 卻與我無關
It is fair but manifests denial of justice.
I chose not to exhaust the local remedies.
Yet I am totally exhausted and flat already.
Congratulations to my partners, you are the best.
Compared with me, I could be counted nothing.
Maybe I deserve it, but never remind 以免不開心
Someone told me to cherish the memory.
The most important is what I got from this.
However, I am just of utilitarianism, shame on me!!
- Mar 03 Mon 2008 00:29
【Feel Honored But Regretted Under Stress】