
--> This year is my year!!!
From the very beginning of the year 2007,
I have been lucky all the time.

Even till now, as for the summer program,
this time I got very nice and easygoing mates.
Just like the last year, all of my members are friendly
as the ones I had.

So, my worries and anxiety have been wiped away at all.
I hope we'll have a wonderful time for this summer;
then, I can bring my awesome memories to the new stage.

Actually, I'm already an experienced counselor,
so many of others told me I'm the one who doesn't have
to be nervous.
But they even don't know it's still hard to know so
many new friends from overseas at the same time for me.

Ok, let me introduce my team members to you:

Lauren: A so cute french guy from Thailand, as an
exchange student studies Telecommunication.
He's very open-minded to welcome any asian food and
hasn't grumbled any about the weather.

Ann: A thai girl, who can speak English very well,
studies food technology in an international school.
She's bit like Shiv, so happy all the time and
laughing a lot.

Today, I brought them to take a look of Taichung
train station, the Eletronic St., the Garage 20 and
the Central department store.

Ya & Phun: Two thai girls who have been studying
Chinese for three years, are very pretty.
I haven't talked to them much, but they seem to be very
passionate and lovely.

Dani: I haven't seen her yet, but everyone who saw her
told me that, she's beautiful and kind-hearted.
So I'm very looking forward to make friend with her.

That's the whole progress of the summer camp now.
I'll keep reporting as recording my daily life!!!


  The Cup Of Life        Ricky Martin

  The cup of life. This is the one
  Now is the time. Don't ever stop
  Push it along. Gotta be strong
  Push it along. Right to the top

  Como Cain y Abel
  Es un partido cruel
  Tienes que pelear
  Por una estrella
  Consigue con honor
  La copa del amor
  Para sobrevivir y luchar por ella
  Luchar por ella (Yeah)
  Do you really want it ... (Yeah)
  Here we go! Allez, allez, allez!
  Go, go, go! Allez, allez, allez!
  Arriba va!! El mundo esta de pie
  Go, go, go! Allez, allez, allez!
  La vida es. Competicion
  Hay que sonar. Ser campeon
  La copa es
  La bendicion
  La ganaras
  Go, go, go!
  And when you feel the heat
  The world is at your feet
  No one can hold you down
  If you really want it
  Just steal your destiny
  Right from the hands of fate
  Reach for rhe cup of life.
  'Cause your name is on it
  Do you really want it... (Yeah)
  Do you really want it... (Yeah)
  Tu y yo! Allez, allez, allez
  Go, go, go! Allez, allez, allez
  Tonight's the night we're
  Gonna celebrate
  The cup of life!!!
  Allez, allez, allez

    創作者 JELPH Po-Han Lee 的頭像
    JELPH Po-Han Lee

    les voix: For/Getting|Re/Membering

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