Sometimes you don't know what you gonna do in the rest of your life.
Cuz' you never hear the voice from the deep inside of your own mind.
You pretend that you never mind and try to feed other guys' appetite.
One day, when you awake and discover the fact, you gotta start to cry.
我來自一個現代感十足的首都 家境小康 父母健在 他們思想開放但行徑特殊
是他們教我成為一個有用的人 為這個大社會大時代大世界盡一分微薄力量
不要只做英雄 而要對得起全人類 讓他們知道自己的存在 這才是成功的人生
我謹記教誨 將這份狂傲不羈的期勉埋藏在心裡 開創我的人生 我有自己的夢想
一步一步 我走在他們的安排 漸行漸遠 反而是我的未來 我離實踐好長一段距離
沒有人聽我說 沒有人聽懂我 更沒有人欣賞我 聽說那叫做痴人說夢 所以我閉嘴
Since my parents encountered the miserables, they became more practical.
They changed their minds and require me to earn more money all the time.
I can't help shutting them up, cuz' I'm the son with great royalty.
Of course I know they hope me not to face ugly reality of this society.
於是我開始覺得賺大錢比什麼都重要 所以我決定唸法律 畢業後好好搞經濟
直到我大三那一年 系上的課都修得有氣無力 才發現沒拿第一的都是因為沒興趣
你怎麼熬夜 怎麼死拚 就是唸不出個什麼玩意兒 到後來充其量也只是在混文憑
其實我一直都知道自己的能力在哪裡 有時耍耍嘴皮 賣弄文筆 偶而用點小聰明
沒有什麼階段不是這樣讓我混過去 但爹娘他們早已忘了當初要我多唸書的原因
當不成英雄 我也不能成為狗熊 再這樣沒頭沒腦地下去 就像沙文主義下的奴隸
I know what I want to be, not only the somebody, but also do something.
In this world, I believe there will be a place for me to speak loudly.
If you know what I mean, you can feel it, there's a fire still buring.
I'm trying, I'm training, I'm speeding up myself to control everything.
It's damned hard to master linguistic, but I really know that's my job.
To learn more about languages, the first step is to learn languages.
I'm not dummy and I'm not silly; moreover, I just know what I'm doing.
身邊的人都知道我喜歡學習各種的語言 但沒人知道 有趣的背後其實有更深涵義
說實話最可惜的是 我從來沒有真正精通過任何一種語言 因為我少了語言學的背景
我一直相信總有一天 我會有機會接觸到那最深奧複雜的科學 但我總錯失機會
從假裝熱愛公平正義 所以來唸法律 到佯裝喜歡外交 其實我最不懂是政治交際
不過是不斷演戲 人生充滿矛盾 我卻只看高不看低 所以我最後還是迷失了自己
看不清楚的下場 就是每當需要從選擇中做出任何決定 我總是猶豫 一切都不確定
接下來的下個步驟 我心裡還沒有一個底 我的專業不夠專業 我的方向出現扭曲
是要導正回來做出自己 還是順著爸媽的願望繼續勉強自己 兩者真有天大的炯異
直到現在 發現只有自己仍沒有頭緒 一旦腳步亂了 連精明的自己也不知該如何努力
Sometimes you just don't know what you like, how to do, and when to be.
Frequently, this sort of guys will fail their lives due to laziness.
But it doesn't mean that they don't desire to work harder or to win.
It's only because they are in the wrong shoes, and unhappy to go ahead.
You know yourself, and so do I as well, the pity is we lost our tracks.
Once a little dream picked when you were a little boy, you should keep it.
Wait for its long-term growth, and try to make it true, how amazing it is.
When you give it up, it also means you give yourself in to this world.
我想我得堅持下去 我仍由衷感謝他們賜給我美妙的生命 清醒的頭腦使我如此決意
總有一天他們會諒解 只要我在某個領域裡很有成就 就像我不再對那些壓力感到生氣
因為我明白那都是出於他們原生的善意 只是單純地希望為我漫長的人生路做些指引
緩一緩太急促的呼吸 清一清鞋底的沙 我要重新開始 只要相信自己就永遠不會太遲
回過頭來 我還是會因為我學過法律外交等等知識而感到驕傲且高興 那是另一個領域
一旦我決定認真地學習 將小時候的抱負重新拾起 我對自己的語言能力仍充滿了自信
Nothing will really wait for us everlastingly, except our bottom hopes.
Even the God only helps the one who helps himself, I know it's true.
As long as you decide to do your utmost, and nothing would be too late.
Nothing is impossible, and impossible is nothing, but doing is something.
Let yourself be proud, the mere way is let yourself released and come out.
Beyond your imagination, you'll find out it's hardly difficult any more.
I know I'll make it, to write that book, to sing those songs with...
(噓~It's still a secret!)
- Oct 09 Mon 2006 02:44
【You Never Know】