Self-esteem should not be taken as an excuse
to justify any wrongs related to lack of responsibility.

Don’t tell me how much you look upon yourself,
that's your pride, and it may not be business of mine.

Don’t try to persuade me it is something of respect,
in effect of that I don’t really care what you exactly need.

I just want to know whether you can make it completed,
and what I wished to hear is your progressive discovery.

I just hope that we can achieve something new again,
and anything else of none is not what I’m concerned with.

每一件事 都有其正反面
每一個決定 都將是雙面刃
一旦承諾了 就該完整執行
自尊心 無法被其他人taken for granted
上面的人 只在乎責任感是否被enforced

Competition很現實 比的是別人 也是自己
曾經站在雲端上 不表示 永遠不會墜落
當眼睛看得比其他人更遠時 也要留意腳邊的大石
弄不好 立不穩 也有可能直接砸在腳上

Projects很困難 除了面對上司 也要面對自己
總是被死線追著跑 就很難再創信任感
雖然一開始 就比其他人多跑了一段距離
但心煩氣躁的同時 也還是會讓自己在半路中跌倒

Examinations很棘手 無名的對手眾多 還有自己
儘管手邊握有許多勝券 也要學會如何運用
如果一味地等待奇蹟再現 等著天上降下禮物
那最後 仍有可能深陷自信的陷阱中而無法自拔

Future is unexpected, but more planning, more anticipative.
From the top to look down, everything’s less surprising.
From the bottom to look up, everything’s more challenging.

When you can choose,
then you must have to make a right decision;
otherwise, you’d be regretted by having too much.

When you cannot choose,
then you may consider to bend lower for chance;
hence, you’d be amazed by what you’d been waiting for.

However, remember still,
esteem may be part of what constituted you as a whole,
but responsibility is what others suppose to watch on you.

Nothing can exempt one’s duty when it is a key,
while you’re flattered, complimented, or preferred,
don’t take it for granted, but treat it as a favor,
then, you could have a better working attitude.

Best wishes!!!

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    JELPH Po-Han Lee

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