Dear God, I pray to you for taking good care of my best dude.
神啊, 我向祢禱告, 願祢看顧照料我最好的哥兒們
He's so sincere and kind, but with an emotional and soft heart.
他是一個誠懇又善良的好人, 只是有著一顆感性且脆弱的心
Lately, I'm really concerned and worried about his ill condition.
最近, 我真的十分憂慮且擔心他不太好的身心狀況
I felt pity of his past, and know how tough and suffering it would be.
我對於他的過去感到很遺憾, 而且也知道那肯定很煎熬且痛苦的
Whenever he's sad, I'm also upset, because I have nothing to do with.
每當他難過, 我也會覺得沮喪, 因為我完全無所適從
Whenever he's depressed, I'm disappointed as well, if I'm helpless.
每當他憂鬱, 我也感到失意, 假如我無助地不知所措
All I can do is to keep more company with him and share his feelings.
我能做的也只是多陪伴他, 分享他喜怒哀樂的情緒
I hope him to be recovered one day; even I know he's pretty withering.
我希望他有一天能夠痊癒, 即使我明白他的生命正在凋零中
I wish every bad thing of him could pass soon, if You still love everyone.
我渴求所有與他有關的惡耗都能早點過去, 如果祢仍然愛著世人
I beg You to do him a favor, to let him be moved by amazing grace.
我祈求祢助他一臂之力, 讓他為了祢賜的奇異恩典而受到感動
We love You, and I know You love us, too, Your poor astray sheep.
我們都愛祢, 我也知道祢愛我們, 兩隻需要憐憫的迷失的小羊
Love you, man, and I believe Lord will protect and bless you much, no worry.
兄弟, 我愛你, 而且我深信上帝會盡力保守且祝福你的, 所以別擔心吧!!!
Sung by JET (Album: Get Born)
Timothy, I took your place
Timothy, cause it's such a waste
Timothy, we found your spaceship
Timothy, it's the farthest you've ever flown
Never used your head
To find out what this whole thing meant
It's not what it seems
But it is
Timothy where have you been?
Timothy where have you been?
Timothy, where did you go?
Timothy, the boy can throw
Timothy, we found your spaceship
Timothy, did it hurt when you hit the ground
Never used your legs
To walk round in this whole big mess
It's not what it seems
But it is
Timothy where have you been
She cried in the kitchen
To let you go
Timothy where have you been
Missed your photo
Missed your birthday too
Missed your photo
- May 26 Sat 2007 02:06
【Don't Cry。Buddy】